Well-known member
- Dec 15, 2018
- 2,135
Open your eyes and you will see, keep them closed and be forever a fool
Like I said, show me your evidence.
Open your eyes and you will see, keep them closed and be forever a fool
No comment on organised gangs begging on the streets, thought not , you're a mug
Open your eyes and you will see, keep them closed and be forever a fool
Organised gangs do beg on the streets. They do it up and down the south coast, have done for some time. However, most of the people you see doing the begging are victims of modern day slavery with the money they make going to a gangmaster who has promised them a better life and enslaved them. Many of the women you see doing it are also forced to sleep with the ring leaders and are passed around.
You very likely aren't seeing Roma Gypsies working as a family or gang for their own profit. The ones you are seeing are victims and need help, not the condemnation of some racist internet troll like you.
but they aren't English/British are they ...?? are they ...?? my family in west sussex reckon there are a number of Albanian and Romanian gangs pimping kids out and selling cocaine to 14/15 year old kids ....are they all full of shit ...??really...??
Summed up with the term 'reckon'.
You seem to be implying that the gangs would be acceptable if they were English/British.
I reckon your family read the Daily Mail and the Express.
but they aren't English/British are they ...?? are they ...?? my family in west sussex reckon there are a number of Albanian and Romanian gangs pimping kids out and selling cocaine to 14/15 year old kids ....are they all full of shit ...??really...??
I didn’t say they were full of shit. There certainly are gangs like that. I deal with the female victims of them as part of my work.
I’m saying don’t confuse the victims with the criminals. All of if the victims didn’t even choose to leave their home countries. Get told they’re going to work for a family in their home country, get shipped to the UK and pimped out / forced to beg.
It’s grim and their lives are not made better by people accusing them of being criminals.
i agree with you mate , it's not the women and kids on the street that are the criminals , it's the mobsters behind them who largely have bought their way in by paying some corrupt twatt else do these career criminals enter the UK's not a good situation is it , and on a side note on the racism thing , Eastern Euro's on the whole are far more anti African & Indian than most English ever were or ever will be why the **** are they in the UK ..?? this is a conversation were having not an argument ...yeh..??
Johnson cramming the House of Lords with his mates and his own brother. £305 a day for nodding off on the benches.
The corruption is complete.
i agree with you mate , it's not the women and kids on the street that are the criminals , it's the mobsters behind them who largely have bought their way in by paying some corrupt twatt else do these career criminals enter the UK's not a good situation is it , and on a side note on the racism thing , Eastern Euro's on the whole are far more anti African & Indian than most English ever were or ever will be why the **** are they in the UK ..?? this is a conversation were having not an argument ...yeh..??
Welfare system, charities, tolerance, soft policing, lenient sentencing, mild weather, population with money to pay for drugs and prostitution, established routes into the country, tolerant religious system, misinformation about an easy life in the U.K.
It’s a desirable place. Much more so that many places in Europe.
Encouraged by people of your ilk
Welfare system, charities, tolerance, soft policing, lenient sentencing, mild weather, population with money to pay for drugs and prostitution, established routes into the country, tolerant religious system, misinformation about an easy life in the U.K.
It’s a desirable place. Much more so that many places in Europe.
I thought we were a nation of screaming,intolerant racists?... that’s what the anti semitic thugs of the BLM movement would have spanners like you believe.
of course you do, DO GOODERS LIKE YOU ENCOURGE THERE ACTUAL PRESCENCE IN THIS COUNTRY acting like some sort of JesusYes Das Reich, I encourage prostitution and begging gangs to Lewes.
Anyway, the grown ups are talking, why don’t you go back to watching Nazi Sharks On Benefits and fiddling with yourself. Good boy.
Johnson cramming the House of Lords with his mates and his own brother. £305 a day for nodding off on the benches.
The corruption is complete.
You know your stuff, Trying to engage with a deluded fool like Nibble is like pissing into the wind the bloke has no street credibility,
I' ve given him a free ride with all his shit that he comes out with claiming I'm on the dole etc makes himself look like a complete lemon, best to let him carry on the entertainment