What a TOOL.
Jordan Henderson: I strongly believe that me playing in Saudi Arabia is a positive thing
In his first interview since leaving Liverpool for Saudi Arabia, Henderson answers questions on money, his morals and leaving Anfieldtheathletic.com
Henderson: People will see this club come with loads of money and he’s just gone, “Yeah, I’m going.” When in reality that just wasn’t the case at all. People can believe me or not, but in my life and my career, money has never been a motivation. Ever. Don’t get me wrong, when you move, the business deal has to be tight. You have to have financials, you have to feel wanted, you have to feel valued. And money is a part of that. But that wasn’t the sole reason. And these possibilities came up before money was even mentioned.
On a side note, can people stop doing that thing where if more than one person posts it then loads of people do? It's not funny, it just makes you seem like you should be in care.
Big fish in a small pond? Wanted, needed, money satisfied, easier to win cups, etc.
Mr Hark, I truly believe I should be in care.
Maybe it's the care that Henderson craves?