Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Just goes to show they’re a two bob government.
Now, you're talking. The first coin to be decimal. Ten florins to the pound.
Just goes to show they’re a two bob government.
One of the fools did. Andrew Rosindell wanted it played at midnight every night, and then carry on broadcasting.
He also wants chemical castration of rapists. Ouch.
Thruppeny bit
Bob (shilling)
Halg a crown
Ten bob
He also wants chemical castration of rapists. Ouch.
Most countries try and move forward, this one seems determined to move in the opposite direction.
Just as well most TV channels are now 24 hour or he would no doubt be lobbying to play the National Anthem when they shut down
Been using both for several years quite happily, I see no downside to having more visibility of both so all generations can understand. Most people measure height and weight in imperial, and also distance in miles rather than Km so it is important that the next generation understand this too.
Serious question - I wonder how many countries, from right wing ones like the USA to myriad socialist republics on the left, actually do broadcast their national anthem regularly - and with no-one batting an eyelid about it?
Quite a few, would be my guess
Not sure if serious![]()
That's both the Government and your post![]()
I'm guessing that JRM's department have finally reported back on Brexit Benefits and Opportunities and this is it. Suck it up Remoaners![]()
Most countries try and move forward, this one seems determined to move in the opposite direction.
Just as well most TV channels are now 24 hour or he would no doubt be lobbying to play the National Anthem when they shut down
Been using both for several years quite happily, I see no downside to having more visibility of both so all generations can understand.
I see there is no thread on this. Presumably because when people heard about it they theought it must be a late April Fool joke.
Even if this is just a gesture, if shops are truly going to be able to use pounds, yards, bushels etc., kids will nead to learn this shit in schools.
I can't see this going into the national curriculum, so presumably nothing will actually change. It will be a case of 'you can sell coal by the hundred weight if you want to'. Just another tummy tickle to the sort of bloke who rang up Nicky Campbell this morning to announce that 'The best thing about this country is the Royal Family'.
Anyway, I have been waiting for the start of the Brexit Benefits*, so I guess this is one and I should be celebratin', like.
Hang on. We were able to buy beer in pints and petrol in gallons during our enslavement to the EU, weren't we? Or was that all a dream?![]()
What I would like to know is how did we end up with 16 ounces in a pound but 14 pounds in a stone?
There are 10 chains in a furlong but 8 furlongs in a mile. How come there are 22 yards in a chain? 12 inches in a foot but 3 feet in a yard.
Where did all this malarkey come from? I'm sure there is some logic to it, maybe.
I think you are missing the point somewhat. It's our Sovereign RIGHT to come up with any old load of soppy bollocks and then insist it's THE BRITISH WAY
or vote for any old soppy bollocks and then insist he's THE BRITISH PM.
I think you may be wasting your time looking for any logic![]()
Been using both for several years quite happily, I see no downside to having more visibility of both so all generations can understand. Most people measure height and weight in imperial, and also distance in miles rather than Km so it is important that the next generation understand this too.
I agree, imperial units have never left us. We may buy fuel in litres but we still judge our consumption in MPG, as many have said, beer and milk are still sold in pints. The majority of the country have been bought up and taught the metric system, so that will never change. I do wonder though with the current educating standards how would the current generation cope with pounds, shillings and pence, yards, feet and inches, lbs ounces and hundredweight without a calculator.