Well-known member
- Jan 18, 2014
- 8,298
?? Surely it's the losers that need ideas, not the ones that are quite happy with the outcome as it stands?
what is the brexit dividend for you personally?
?? Surely it's the losers that need ideas, not the ones that are quite happy with the outcome as it stands?
I’m beginning to wonder if Johnson isn’t actually using his dreams as a source to make policy. Would also explain why he forgets them halfway through.
what is the brexit dividend for you personally?
Mrs Earle's theory is that his near death Covid experience also explains why he forgets things halfway through, doesn't think things through, and appears to lack concentration or attention to detail and consequence. These were previous character traits, but seem to her to be much more exaggerated post Covid.
Mrs Earle's theory is that his near death Covid experience also explains why he forgets things halfway through, doesn't think things through, and appears to lack concentration or attention to detail and consequence. These were previous character traits, but seem to her to be much more exaggerated post Covid.
Mrs Earle's theory is that his near death Covid experience also explains why he forgets things halfway through, doesn't think things through, and appears to lack concentration or attention to detail and consequence. These were previous character traits, but seem to her to be much more exaggerated post Covid.
On the contrary, I have a very positive vision of Brexit. It will take time though - always was going to be a bit of a financial hiccough, but nothing compared to the effect of Covid, or the invasion of Ukraine - but hey, there's some who will never recognise those factors while in their minds they can still pile it all on Brexit. Still, it is sneerers like you that make me glad to have voted for Brexit (and voted against joining in the first place), and even more glad that we won. In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.GT49er has no positive vision of Brexit to offer, although in this stage of the game we should be talking about results, not the future. See the Brexit thread. He, and many others, going right up to the very top of the Leaver hierarchy, have absolutely nothing to show for their actions and merely winge about 'sneering' or being called 'racist'. It's a shame he often did so in a thread often contributed to by racists and bigots on the Leave side, which he and others amazingly, never seemed to notice!
I need to update a couple of bits:
So, we were all so brilliant at maths in the olden days were we? If so why has nobody ever commented on the classic movie, 20,000 leagues under the sea? That's 60,000 miles. The diameter of the earth is around 8,000 miles. FFS!
Edit - it has been suggested to me that this means moving around 60,000 miles rather than down. However a fathom is a measure of depth, which is why it is called a fathom, not a sodding mile. So if this is moving around it must be moving up and down. OK.....deepest Ocean, Western pacific, 10,000 meters. That's approximately 6 miles. So the film, therefore, is about going down to the bottom of the western pacific and back up again, 500 times! That would be one hell of a boring movie. And travelling at a blood vessel bursting 10 mph, that would mean the film would be 100 hours long. Shoot me now!
In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.
Did you hear this from one of the medical professionals who tended him who chose to ignore his or her duty of confidentiality? Or from one of Boris Johnson's family? Or from a twitter user who heard it from his mother's auntie's brother-in-law's paper boy?I heard that Johnson was never in any real danger of dying, he was taken to intensive care as a precaution rather than a necessity, he never needed Oxygen either.
Did you hear this from one of the medical professionals who tended him who chose to ignore his or her duty of confidentiality? Or from one of Boris Johnson's family? Or from a twitter user who heard it from his mother's auntie's brother-in-law's paper boy?
Bloody French novelists, eh? Never could understand leagues and miles and probably any other sort of imperial measurements - probably why they insisted the whole of Europe should default to les metres and les kilograms etc.
On the contrary, I have a very positive vision of Brexit. It will take time though - always was going to be a bit of a financial hiccough, but nothing compared to the effect of Covid, or the invasion of Ukraine - but hey, there's some who will never recognise those factors while in their minds they can still pile it all on Brexit. Still, it is sneerers like you that make me glad to have voted for Brexit (and voted against joining in the first place), and even more glad that we won. In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.
You reap what you sow.
Did you hear this from one of the medical professionals who tended him who chose to ignore his or her duty of confidentiality? Or from one of Boris Johnson's family? Or from a twitter user who heard it from his mother's auntie's brother-in-law's paper boy?
On the contrary, I have a very positive vision of Brexit. It will take time though - always was going to be a bit of a financial hiccough, but nothing compared to the effect of Covid, or the invasion of Ukraine - but hey, there's some who will never recognise those factors while in their minds they can still pile it all on Brexit. Still, it is sneerers like you that make me glad to have voted for Brexit (and voted against joining in the first place), and even more glad that we won. In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.
You reap what you sow.
On the contrary, I have a very positive vision of Brexit. It will take time though - always was going to be a bit of a financial hiccough, but nothing compared to the effect of Covid, or the invasion of Ukraine - but hey, there's some who will never recognise those factors while in their minds they can still pile it all on Brexit. Still, it is sneerers like you that make me glad to have voted for Brexit (and voted against joining in the first place), and even more glad that we won. In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.
You reap what you sow.
Johnson was back at work very quickly and clearly had a very bad scare. Irrespective of what one thinks of him it was correct that the PM in the middle of national crises was treated with the utmost caution and care.
As much for national morale if nothing else.
However, his suggestion the NHS "saved his life" was gilding the lily retrospectively, but not a bad thing to say about the NHS of course.
Non ventilated patients weren't normally placed in ICU - there wasn't the space.
I've spent the last three months in that hospital back and forth (including ICU) and resources, particular staff are scarce. Having experienced it, his story of two nurses spending 48 hours by his bedside seems odd.
In terms of public relations he had to tread carefully though, he had to draw a line between saying - "it was just a scare" and "this was actually very frightening".
On the contrary, I have a very positive vision of Brexit. It will take time though - always was going to be a bit of a financial hiccough, but nothing compared to the effect of Covid, or the invasion of Ukraine - but hey, there's some who will never recognise those factors while in their minds they can still pile it all on Brexit. Still, it is sneerers like you that make me glad to have voted for Brexit (and voted against joining in the first place), and even more glad that we won. In fact, it is probably due to sneerers that 52% voted for Brexit - the chattering classes weren't listening.
You reap what you sow.
You didn’t vote against joining in the first place. Edward Heath took us into Europe in January 1973.
Two years later in 1975, the vote was to Remain or Leave. Britain voted 64% to Remain.