He could have written the rules with Central government as an exception.All the Covid rules and the lockdown were ridiculous and unnecessary so no surprise that Boris found them difficult to follow. Only trouble was it was his government that put them in place. However I can understand him denying that he attended any "parties". Did the rules specify exactly what a "party" was? Where did a business meeting end and a "party" begin? Sure he broke some rules, but I like that about people if they're stupid rules in the first place.
He could have put the cabinet office to the front of the queue for vacinations, as a priority justified by the need to run the country.
I am not saying these would have been popular at the time, but they were clear choices.
He could have admitted that some rules were broken and expect people to understand. Instead the government went in hard on a small number of rule breakers and expected everyone else to tow the line, regardless of the personal hardship faced.
Have I mentioned the lies?
How about an adequate response to the vulnerable in care homes?Let me guess? Harder and longer lockdowns?