For your average £7.50 an hour job they will be charging about £15 for your services. Meaning the agency gets as much money as you for every hour you work, while they do jack shit.
It's often a good idea to get agency work when you're first looking, just to get something sorted out quickly. But don't fall into the trap of staying with them. As soon as they find you a job, take it but keep your options open as you will always find it easier to find work when you have a job. Keep looking for proper jobs and before long you'll find one. And the advantages of working direct for a company, rather than through an agency are almost infinite.
Frankly all agencies are only interested in you if they can make money out of you. They tend to be all over you up until the point where their client loses interest.
Bear in mind thng that the so called consultants might as well be selling double glazing or time share. Yes, they are wankers I'm afraid, you pay for their mistakes.
Maybe worth giving Jobserve a look. They mainly deal in IT jobs, but have other areas on there also. I did a search on Sussex jobs posted over the last 7 days and it came up with:
Industries: All
IT 212 Accountancy 9 Engineering 32
Sales 31 Office 65 Legal 38
Medical 25 Customer Services 10 HR 15
Construction 10 Logistics 3 Media 43
Catering 23 Tourism 27 Electronics 20
Not a massive number, admittedly, but at least you could have a look from the safety and comfort of your own PC.
I get all my work through Jobserve too. Guess nobody likes agents, whether it's estate agents, football agents or recruitment consultants. Necessary evil unfortunately. At least they let you know what's on the market and what the going rate is. Having said that tho, I've met more nice South Africans...
agencies on the whole are shysters, as hgas been posted already, theyre interested in making money at the expense of anyone but themselves.
Ive been on a few agancies over the last year with no success, and have recently found a new job via an ad in the Arsegas of all places, in fact I retire today, at least until MOnday !
i am always on the look out for a job even more so now with company financial trouble. i work in legal expenses insurance so anyone hear of any jobs please let me know.