The Clamp
Well-known member
Poor old Clamp. Sherlock got a memory palace, but clamp was late to the queue and all he got was a brain cupboard
Ha! That’s funny
Poor old Clamp. Sherlock got a memory palace, but clamp was late to the queue and all he got was a brain cupboard
Press the pause button after 2 seconds?
Anyone remember when trailers used to TANTILISE, and leave a bit of mystery ? I can remember the trailers for ET, which barely showed a glimpse of the alien - you had to go and see the movie to actually see the creature. Then there was the Ghostbusters campaign, with posters of the Ghostbusters logo and "Coming to save the world....soon".
Couldn't agree more. For me, a great trailer gives you a really good sense of the look, feel, tone, mood and sound of a film, but none of the story. And I do mean NONE. I don't want to be told what happens at all. That's what I'm going to see the film for.
Some trailers basically give you all 3 bloody acts.
Was never like this pre-internet or pre-Netflix.
Anther thing that struck me as odd is you now get trailers for the trailer. If you watch one on YouTube more often than not after pressing play, you get a 5 second burst of the film and a title that reads, for example “Terminator 12...Trailer”.
Bugger, third time I’ve been hit with this virus. China and Venice being the previous two. If someone wants pointers to the next event I’ve booked a hotel for Norwich away. What was that character in The Fast Show called?
Millions in marketing, advertising tie-ins, promotional products etc written off just like that.