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Jade Goody (again)

Tooting Gull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
That won't be a fair fight, the mother's only got one arm...

I can't see her taking it to court, those lawyers cost an arm and a leg. Sorry, as you were.

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
I've got to be honest, I absolutely despise Jade Goody because everything she has done is media orientated, she desperately wants to be famous, even without any sort of ability. So getting cancer seems to have been perfect for her, she wanted fame, she's found out. I wonder if it's worth it...

I want to point out that in fact I'm not unsympathetic to cancer sufferers, obviously not. A very close friend of mine is recovering from cancer, so many times she's cried on my shoulder. I feel sorry for Jade Goody to have contracted cancer, no question about it, but I can't stand how she's used it for fame. All the photoshoots and whatnot... I don't think she helps the cause.


Hotdogs, extra onions
Aug 11, 2003
Near Ducks, Geese, and Seagulls
I've got to be honest, I absolutely despise Jade Goody because everything she has done is media orientated, she desperately wants to be famous, even without any sort of ability. So getting cancer seems to have been perfect for her, she wanted fame, she's found out. I wonder if it's worth it...

I want to point out that in fact I'm not unsympathetic to cancer sufferers, obviously not. A very close friend of mine is recovering from cancer, so many times she's cried on my shoulder. I feel sorry for Jade Goody to have contracted cancer, no question about it, but I can't stand how she's used it for fame. All the photoshoots and whatnot... I don't think she helps the cause.

So it's her fault the media are falling over themselves to offer her shed loads of money?

And the 'cause' Cancer UK are already reporting that 20% more young women are taking smear tests since JG's news broke. I think if just one woman is caught in time, and is able to stop the cancer then it's all been worthwhile.


Habitual User
Oct 18, 2006
........... anyone know any good cancer jokes............... its only a matter of time surely.

Don Quixote

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
So it's her fault the media are falling over themselves to offer her shed loads of money?

And the 'cause' Cancer UK are already reporting that 20% more young women are taking smear tests since JG's news broke. I think if just one woman is caught in time, and is able to stop the cancer then it's all been worthwhile.

She is doing interviews, she is doing photoshoots, she is absolutely loving all the attention, that's all she's ever wanted in her life, she's wanted people to care about her and for people to want to know what she's doing. And that's what she's got now, so, she's getting what she wants.

As I said, I have a friend with cancer, and it's no joke. It's not funny, it's an horrific illness that one in three people will get. I am not trivialising the condition at all, we know people who have died as a result, and if her getting the illness does bring about good, then obviously that's to be commended. But that's not why she's drawing attention to herself.

I mean, for crying out loud, how did she even find out? In a perfectly dramatic way on a TV show! Enough said.


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Penrose, Cornwall
She is doing interviews, she is doing photoshoots, she is absolutely loving all the attention, that's all she's ever wanted in her life, she's wanted people to care about her and for people to want to know what she's doing. And that's what she's got now, so, she's getting what she wants.

As I said, I have a friend with cancer, and it's no joke. It's not funny, it's an horrific illness that one in three people will get. I am not trivialising the condition at all, we know people who have died as a result, and if her getting the illness does bring about good, then obviously that's to be commended. But that's not why she's drawing attention to herself.

I mean, for crying out loud, how did she even find out? In a perfectly dramatic way on a TV show! Enough said.

There's been some shit posted on this thread and your effort is up there with the worst of them.

Most of us have 30/40 YEARS to earn enough money to provide something for our children. Jade Goody's been told she's got a few months to live. She is now trying to make as much money as she can for her children and at the same time raise awareness of cervical cancer and the importance of regular testing.

What's the problem with that?

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
Well thank you for being frank, Hiney.

I, however, don't think that is her motivation in the slightest, that's just a happy subplot for her. I don't know her personally, I don't know her motivations, I don't want to, I couldn't care less. But she's hardly ever been a model parent, has she? :bla: So, all of a sudden she's motivated by improving their future? A little bit late, as far as I can see.

I suppose next up, she's going to make herself a martar to the cause, so she can die a hero.


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Penrose, Cornwall
You don't know her, so how can you say she's 'hardly been a model parent'?

It seems to me that she's been trying very hard to bring her kids up decently She's had a pretty rough upbringing by all accounts and now this.

She's not the sharpest tool in the box but I just think everyone should cut her some slack and if a few articles in OK magazine indirectly prevents just one more woman from contracting cervical cancer then it's fine.

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
That's good to know, there's a Depeche Mode song with the same name, it's really not a mistake I should have made.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Does anyone else have the sneaking feeling that she might make a surprise recovery?

:blush: Not just me then.

In all honesty, I shall not profess to liking the woman now that she will/may depart to the netherworlds, but I do have some sympathy. Not because she is Jade Goody, but because she is young and may/will die well before her time.

Ah well. I have only been able to garner some sort of character profile from a bit of Big Brother and the free newspapers. Never met the girl, so no idea if she is the prat she comes across as.

The only good thing about this case is that perhaps more women will take their smear tests seriously. Unless you are Max Clifford and make a nice cut from the various deals that have been brokered.


Dec 8, 2005
Soham, United Kingdom
At the risk of adding to this binfest, I think Simster's first post hits the nail on the head.

Julie Burchill wrote a great piece on the Sun yesterday about her views, not only on Jade Goody, but on the sad individuals who use the internet to pour their rabid bile out about anybody in the public eye. I would suggest some on here could do with having a read of that.

In her time, Jade Goody has been called racist and homophobic. Highly interesting when she has a mother who is bisexual and a father of mixed race. She sees that the way to secure her family's future is to make as much cash as possible in the short term - well done and good for her if people are prepared to pay for it. It's not like she's making the money for herself is it?

Finally, as for the comment by Walt on Max Clifford, it may have escaped your notice (or research!) that Max Clifford's wife died from cancer not that many years ago so emotionally I'm sure he has more than a financial interest in this.

Well said :clap:


Dec 8, 2005
Soham, United Kingdom
This is the Julie Burchill article I mentioned - looks like she knows some of the people from NSC!!


WILL it finally stop when Jade Goody stops breathing, do you think?

When she’s pronounced dead? When we see her crying children placing flowers on their dead mother’s grave?

No. Sad as it seems, sad for the haters, even more than the hated — who will by then be in a place where they can no longer touch her — the rivers of loathing which pour down upon the broken body of this young, naive, defenceless young mother, born into massive poverty and underprivilege, with everything stacked against her, seem unlikely to end with her death.

And when they realise this, I hope for the sake of both their souls and their sanity that the haters seek help for their own condition — which would seem to eat away at any decency or sympathy they once possessed as surely as Jade’s cancer has eaten away at her body.

She will be dead — but they will still be terminally sick.

The internet is a great invention but it is also one of the biggest playgrounds of the cowardly bully since the arenas where the Romans threw Christians to the lions.

Be it the furtive legions of self-loathing seat-sniffers playing out sad sexual fantasies over the exploited bodies of women and children or the even sadder name-callers playing out their sadistic scenarios by heaping abuse on a dying woman heartbroken over leaving her young children.

People who would be terrified to put their hands up and take responsibility for their actions in real life — even the simple one of walking into a shop and buying a porn rag — can here be king of the heap, hiding behind the anonymity of the web.

We laugh at those sad losers who recreate themselves as sexy winners in games like Second Life, but to some extent anyone who grazes on porn and/or expresses hatred, both anonymously, is doing the same thing.

You have to feel sorry for them — but you are allowed to feel contempt for them, too.

And, especially when it comes to the pond-scum who attack a dying woman from behind the safety of an online pseudonym, I certainly do. The difference is, I’m more than brave enough to put my name and face to my hatred — are you?

Let’s look at what Jade Goody stands accused of, and at the morals and motives of those apparently stainless accusers.

For a start, she came to public attention in 2002 as a graduate of the Big Brother house.

The majority of people who go into the BB house are kids from poor backgrounds who went straight from school to work: BB is their “gap year” packed into nine frenzied weeks.

Unlike middle and upper-class kids, who drink themselves stupid and upset the locals in places as diverse as Cornwall and Goa, they do so in a controlled environment, spoiling no one’s hometown, albeit that they do it in front of millions.

Why would anyone feel the need to slate them as if they were a Devil-worshipping, pet-sacrificing, slavery-endorsing paedophile ring? No reason I can think of — unless their own lives were tragically lacking in good, dirty FUN.

Now there is a bigger gap between rich and poor than at any time in the past 100 years.

A working-class kid has less chance of moving up the ladder than they did 50 years ago now even the few good jobs (by which I mean both well-paid and a skive) which a bright, poor teenager could get into, like showbiz and journalism, are going to dim, posh nobodies, who can blame ordinary kids for grabbing the chance to get rich quick with both hands?

To me, the automatic ascent to fame of the SADOFFs — Sons And Daughters Of Famous Folk — is far more suspect and wearisome than the overnight fame of the Kids From Nowhere.

The fact that a Jade Jagger can become a celebrity is far more an indicator of a corrupt and shallow society than it is that a Jade Goody can do the same.

One was born to massive wealth, had a private education and has spent her life since swanning around just being “beautiful” — even if she does look like a frog in a wig.

The other was born to Dickensian deprivation — junkie dad who hid guns under her cot, abusive one-armed mum for whom she was the principle carer ever since childhood.

She had very little education and has spent her life trying to make something of herself against all odds. Which one is the more deserving of fame and fortune?

Snobs can sneer all they like that the BB crew are “famous for doing nothing” — but so are the Royal Family and the whole useless aristocracy, those well-connected nobodies falling out of Boujis after downing one too many of the charmingly-named “Crack Baby” cocktails. It’s the British way!

The daughter of a gay mother and a mixed-race father, Goody has been accused of both homophobia and racism by pretentious, privileged idiots.

She has been accused of using her illness for gain — as though that was not already a tried-and-tested money-maker for up- themselves British hacks of so-called upmarket newspapers with expensive educations and decent degrees who, one could argue, had much less “excuse” to do it.

And she is accused, above all, of being the embodiment of “chav” vulgarity.

In my book, when people use the word chav, they are usually saying more about themselves than about the object of their derision. Those who call chavs sexually incontinent are often seasoned sailors on the HMS Ain’t Gettin’ None.

Those who call them skivers are rarely people who contribute anything of value to society. Those who call them thick generally aren’t any great loss to the Brains Trust.

Those who call them racist may well harbour all sorts of shady feelings of fear and frustration towards unknown groups of people and be glad to have found, in the white working-class, a hate target which is well beyond the protection of the CRE.

And, as the months since Jade Goody discovered she had cancer have shown, those who call them bullies and cowards are often bullies and cowards.

I only met Jade once, when she appeared on a brilliant Sky 1 documentary I made some years ago called, of course, Chavs.

I remember, somewhat shamefully, apprehensively waiting for her, imagining she’d be seven sorts of nightmare.

Then in she breezed, so young and pretty and natural, with a baby in a carry-cot, a grin for everyone and a professional attitude which put mine to shame.

At one point I remember having a hissy-fit because I didn’t want to walk down the Old Kent Road and into Manze’s pie and mash shop for the fifth time while talking to her.

She looked at me in amazement, smiled reassuringly, slipped her arm through mine and said sweetly: “Steady on, love — it’s hardly hard work, is it! Come on — best foot forward — one more time...” Best foot forward, one more time, and this weekend Jade will marry with not long to live.

Other brides have confetti and rice thrown at them. She will, as ever, have slanders and slurs raining down upon her head. SHE DID IT FOR THE MONEY! SHE'S ADDICTED TO PUBLICITY!

And the obvious will be ignored — that she is, in the only way available to her, trying to make certain that her two sons don’t have to live through the squalor and insecurity which she grew up with.

Reading this back, I see I’ve made one mistake. I’ve called the people who have victimised and are victimising the dying Jade Goody bullies: Here I was technically wrong, for a bully is someone who picks on someone weaker than themselves.

Though Jade’s body may be broken, the spirit of this sweet, silly, brave girl is stronger than those of her critics could ever be.

That's a really good article :clap:


Used to be Swindonseagull
Good Morning Time for work...

I am glad I am not the only one who despises the woman.

I am also not the only one who has admitted I know someone with cancer BUT I am the only one who was bad mouthed on page 1...

For BHA EXPRESS of course the 17 stone of blubber gets no media coverage here in the philippines BUT this is called the internet and its global...

You knobjockey.

PS Can someone PM me when she dies? I might want to shed a tear or maybe pop a beer.

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
That's certainly one point of view, others are entitled to their own. I, for one, have a different opinion to that shared in the well written article.

I have an opinion, I have free thought and so long as I do no harm to anyone, I see no reason why I shouldn't share my view. And I would imagine the other people posting in this thread would think very much the same thing. :angel: Whether other people agree or not, really is quite irrelevent.

I won't be celebrating her passing though, of course not. I don't like the woman (well, the impression everything she has done has formed in my mind), but I have no reason to feel spite for her. I just don't like what I consider to be trivialising a very serious illness.

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