from personal experience that our little dog suffers occasionally from pollens and our vet advised Piriton which did the trick
Below is taken from a website called
Piriton is perfectly safe for dogs and is often recommended by vets as an alternative to prescription drugs to ease the symptoms of allergies, as long as the correct dosage is adhered to and the tablets or syrup are administered correctly.
Piriton can be used as a long-term solution for uncomfortable, chronic allergy symptoms and has the benefit of having few side effects.
There is no cure for allergic reactions, so the best course of action is to remove the offending allergen from the environment if at all possible. If your faithful friend has a reaction to your cleaning products for example, change them without hesitation. Unfortunately, for dogs suffering from hay fever type symptoms as a result of exposure to grasses and pollens, this can't be avoided.
Dog owners can try to help alleviate some of the irritation by being aware of the causes and finding ways to offer some relief. This is where Piriton Tablets can help.

Some antihistamines are also slightly sedating, so don't let your pet drive, especially if he/she has been drinking alcohol. On the plus side, you may find they bark less inappropriately.
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