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[Albion] Jack Hinshelwood [9/4/24: new deal to 2028]


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I hope he proves me wrong I really do. But I can see a mile off he doesn't have the talent to be an epl player. No disrespect to the guy though I'm sure he will still make a lot of money playing in the championship.
You are not focusing on the whole game. What’s your opinion of dunk?


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
He literally passed the ball directly to their striker in quick succession in the first half and of forest were half decent they would have scored. And then gave away a pen.

He didn't do well. Is not a premier league player. I would rather we put Steele at left back tbh at least he can pass.
It’s very very rare I use the ignore option but for you I will make an exception

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
I hope he proves me wrong I really do. But I can see a mile off he doesn't have the talent to be an epl player. No disrespect to the guy though I'm sure he will still make a lot of money playing in the championship.
But consider his age and level of experience. Then think about almost any player in the world, (apart from maybe the top 20) and ask yourself whether they would have been able to shine in a game like that with that many pro minutes under their belt.

It is absolutely miles too early to be making those sort of judgements.

The lad has had away at Villa, where we were over-run and that madcap game where we've got about 15 of our top 25 players unavailable.

Supporting this Brighton team is going to involve affording young players with a little more patience than that my friend

Goldstone Guy

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2006
I'm judging from what I've seen of him in the under 23s , pre season games and from what he's done in the first team.
Whether you're right or not about him is not the point in my opinion. The point is you're being very critical of a young player who's come through the youth teams here and barely had 5 minutes in the senior squad to prove himself. None of us know for sure what his level of football will be in the long-term but RDZ thinks he's good enough for the match day squad (admittedly his options might be limited). Get behind the players FFS. Decent supporters would give consistent support for all our players (exceptions perhaps for laziness or a bad attitude), even more so a youngster who's come through the youth teams.

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
My word what’s happened to @dwayne ? I can’t fathom this player assassination… he’s literally a kid… who presumably is pretty swift and therefore a better bet as a WB/FB thsn some of our less pacey alternatives… we’re down to the bones and Roberto has clearly seen something in this 18 y/o to chuck him into that maelstrom today… yep, he’s probs a bit lightweight and nervous and capable of making a mistake… but at least he’s not a perma crock on 70k a week, whilst topping up his pension prior to sitting on a beach earning 20%…. Not mentioning any names… ahem.
They've always been there.
Much like in his world a palace new signing is always astute, while Albion ones are normally shitehouse.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2005
Lamptey was fecking dreadful at LB for his short time today, lost his position several times, dreadful. Felt much better having Hinsh in there, even though he is sixth choice LB. When our fans started asking for RDZ to get his boots on, that made I laugh!


Well-known member
May 12, 2009
I cannot understand the need for some of our fans to get on the backs of our young players some of whom are still teenagers. Fair enough if it's a seasoned pro not putting a shift in but they are literally kids being chucked in at the deep end and need our support.

Personally I think Hinshelwood looks pretty promising even being asked to do a job out of position.


VERY part time moderator
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NSC Patron
Aug 8, 2005
Given the factors involved in the game I thought Hinsh did really well. Out of position, against one of the opposition’s best players, playing with ten men for much of the second half, in a weakened team due to injuries, in one of the most hostile grounds in England, at only 18. Anyone criticising the lad after considering all of that is an idiot.

I say well played. Lots more to come from you I am sure.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
I hope he proves me wrong I really do. But I can see a mile off he doesn't have the talent to be an epl player. No disrespect to the guy though I'm sure he will still make a lot of money playing in the championship.
Very odd


Aug 30, 2011
I hope he proves me wrong I really do. But I can see a mile off he doesn't have the talent to be an epl player. No disrespect to the guy though I'm sure he will still make a lot of money playing in the championship.
He's been a PL player on a few occasions now and England age groups to boot.
Jack is still 18 folks.
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