Well-known member
- Sep 28, 2011
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UK lock down 23rd March.
NZ lock down 25th March.
UK Total Cases 23rd March 8,077
NZ Total Cases 25th March 205
UK lock down 23rd March.
NZ lock down 25th March.
That'll help to make the NZ economy competitive post Covid.
That's correct and while the NZ government is thinking ahead, the UK has no plans for improving the post-Covid economy. In fact, it appears to be steaming ahead with a no-deal Brexit knowing it's going to lead to a massive recession in the belief that they can blame it all on Covid.
Most other governments (and NZ is not alone in this) are looking at how to get back into shape after Covid.
I get your points, but I just can't agree with this Arden love in.
I just can't get away from the issue that it is far, far easier to control a contagious disease in a country like NZ. It is roughly the same size as the UK with a total population half of London's. One third of the population live in one city. That means that the remaining 3 million people are living in a country the same size as England, Scotland and Wales.
In the UK we are trying very hard to stay 2 meters apart from other people. In NZ it is very difficult to get within 2 miles of the next person.
If you are giving Arden credit for the way she has handled Covid 19, perhaps we should all be praising Boris for only 13 Covid deaths in Guernsey and only 24 deaths on the Isle of Man?
I get your points, but I just can't agree with this Arden love in.
I just can't get away from the issue that it is far, far easier to control a contagious disease in a country like NZ. It is roughly the same size as the UK with a total population half of London's. One third of the population live in one city. That means that the remaining 3 million people are living in a country the same size as England, Scotland and Wales.
In the UK we are trying very hard to stay 2 meters apart from other people. In NZ it is very difficult to get within 2 miles of the next person.
If you are giving Arden credit for the way she has handled Covid 19, perhaps we should all be praising Boris for only 13 Covid deaths in Guernsey and only 24 deaths on the Isle of Man?
I think the time to judge will be in 12 months time when hopefully the virus is under control and economies of nations are starting to recover.
I appreciate that World Economics is your field, but time will tell.
I'm not sure why you think world economics is my field - I'm a technology journalist!
Of course, no-one has a crystal ball and can't see what's going to happen but the point is that Ardern (and other world leaders) are looking as to what might happen but the UK is just crashing along. We're six months away from leaving the EU and UK businesses haven't a clue as what the regime on standards, tariffs, quotas etc is going to be. The post-Covid landscape is going to look very different and the UK doesn't seem to have a clear idea of what it wants
Our problem is very simple. Boris is a lazy, ego-driven, populistic, untruthful, simplistic, rather unpleasant upper class buffoon. He prefers to be shagging rather than working and to cement his power he has appointed a cabinet of untalented sycophants who worship him rather than challenge him. He is also who unduly influenced by one man who has f**ked up big time but seems to have got away with it for the time being. To consolidate this incredibly fragile foundation the electorate, in their wisdom, granted the Tories a massive parliamentary majority, a success they achieved partly because of the absence of any coherent opposition. All at a time when , looking forward, the country now faces the biggest leadership challenges since the second world war (e.g. Brexit, Covid 19, massive worldwide recession) which require strong, intelligent and bold leadership. Jacinda Ardern is the polar opposite to BJ and is precisely the kind of leader required for these times.
I also believe that Covid 19 was in the UK long before the government took action. I believe that it was here even before anyone knew that Covid 19 even existed. I have read reports of people arriving from China in November who are convinced they caught whilst in Asia. I really believe that Covid 19 has been in this country since November and this may go some way (not all) to explaining why there has been so many deaths.
She's now just trolling
The man needs a statue; I understand there are a few spare plinths kicking around at the moment.
She's now just trolling
I feel even Sami Hyypiä could have managed the NZ scenario.
She has a 30 point lead because she displays clear and genuine empathy with her citizens.
More importantly, she has got the big calls right. That surely the first thing you expect from your leaders. That they are intelligent and get the best people around them. This enables you to get those decisions right. (I kind of look at Arden as kind of a Paul Barber figure, but with added humanity).
Contrast this with the complete shower of p*** we've got over here. Dogmatic, deceitful, career driven, opportunistic. We have a leadership selected not because of any ability or compassion, (the half decent ones were kicked out), the leader and cabinet we have were selected solely due to ideological fervour.
She's now just trolling
they've achieved more good in two years than our shower of shit government have in 10