Basil Fawlty
Don't Mention The War
As some of you might know, or didn't know. I was going to be a father, but she had a miscarriage last month. To anyone who has been there and tried to get over it I salute you. But that isn't the worst of it. The mother of my child, the girl I loved broke my heart into smithereens. I don't care anymore if she reads this all not, but after laying my heart on the line to her last Thursday night, she breaks my heart and I seriously have been trying to get over her and what happened. I think I've finally succeeded, people have said it was for the best not to have a child with her, but it would off been amazing to be a father but it wasn't mean't to be. But what she did to me and saying she can't be FRIENDS with me if I love her and it would be to awkward is plain bollocks!!!!!