Spot on! This is a major reason as to why we are where we are today. The culture of selfishness really got going under Thatcher. What kept me going in those awful years was the 'Albion'. My mother a 'seagull' fan died due to cut backs that delayed essential surgery 2 1/2 years. I miss her very much and have marked her support with a heritage stone at our new home. We did not have money for private health care. I was a newly qualified teacher and I arrived in a profession devastated by Thatcher. Her vindictive nature towards teachers after they labelled her 'Thatcher, Thatcher the milk snatcher' when she was education secretary in the Ted Heath administration. She had a constant battle and thought she won with the introduction of '1265'. That was the number of hours we were to work per year. She felt this was upping our hours. We used to work far beyond that particularly running sports teams after school. All that stopped and had a terrible effect on football development here. She compounded the anti football effect by making sports teams pay commercial rates for their grounds. Previously recreation grounds were maintained out of the public purse i.e the community. In education another change at the time was the dilution of exam grades. To supplement my income I marked exams papers. We were given grade boundaries. They dropped every year through those Thatcher years, this was to appease parents who felt their children should go to university. Hence the appearance of I have got 10 grade 'A s' at the end of every summer. Blair a self confessed Thatcher admirer kept this going. I left teaching in 1996 and it was still going on. Result we now import better skilled and qualified as the native population cannot do the job...brilliant!!Thatcher created a greedy and materialistic society. Times where hard in the 70's but everybody stuck together. You didn't need to own your a home or a car to have respect. We new everyone in our street, after a few years of Thatchers Tory rule that friendliness dissapeared and the neighbourhood spirit just went.
When she dies I will be going out to celebrate, growing up in Thatchers Britain as a teenager was a miserable experience.
I don't vote conservative or Labour since those Thatcher years as neither try to bring back the community of Britain. I do however agree with the premise that 'Thatcher is to blame'.