The club only have themselves to blame. The whole spin from day 1 and in the lead up was that BHAFC would be a premiership side within 5 seasons, MAXIMUM. That was the basis on the pricing, st's, stadium tours and all the communications from the club. That was also a strong basis and rationale from Martin Perry at the council meeting to justify the extra seats, it was needed for premiership football. They then span out that embarrassing and cringeworthy " Premiership Ready " mantra for a long time only to drop it like a hot potato when they sold every single player of any value in the last year and replaced them with cheap options, including the manager and have now replaced the mantra to " One Club One Ambition ", frankly laughable. The fact there were 14000 empty seats and around 5000 who paid and could not be bothered to go should be ringing very loud alarms bells to the club
PLR was only an internal mantra - never marketing spin - it just got leaked by disgruntled employees who didn't like the new way (or professionalism as the club would tell you) the club was being run. We had big chances to hit the PL target, but ultimately mucked up both chances. Firstly through behind the scenes squabbles and then last year through a disastorous Jan transfer window which came back to hanut us. As we're now finding out you don't often get a third chance.