Parson Henry
New member
see the post above
I spotted that Yorkie had been put on the spot but also received some totally nasty abuse.
see the post above
The thing that has struck me most now I have been working in London nearly 2 years, is how rude people are. The tube in rush hour really is every man for himself and sod anybody that gets in the way. I know a lot of those people are probably not Londoners, but I'm sure a majority probably are. Some tosser nearly pushed me over a couple of weeks back because I had the audacity to try and make room for a blind bloke to get to the doors first.
Also, people in the office rarely give a "Good Morning" even if I say it first.
Pasty has just given one of the reasons (rudeness of people)
It is dirty and shabby too.
I had to laugh, by the way, at the comparison of 80year-old Andy Williams, with a 60year old! Much younger, and I don't expect I'll quite see that comparison until, perhaps, I am much older.
(though according to duh above, I am already ancient, desperate, lonely,...oh, and perverted)
It's also where we conducted our business in keeping the empire together, the very empire that no other nation could ever hope to rival.
erm.... grow the f*** up will you please?
It's the centre of the Earth on any world map...
It's the centre of the Earth on any world map and it's where time was INVENTED.
Except those printed for an American (North or South), Asian or Australasian market, of course.
Lord's One Day Test:
Don't see the point of you posting if that's the best you can do, attacking someone personally. Happy Holidays............ one way ticket hopefully
That SPITTING IMAGE annual of 1985 or so.This is the best map in the world