Alex Alex Dawson oo! oo!
Primary data is fact
£8 million loss expected.
I repeat.
£8 million loss expected.
If we need to use the Bridcutt money to plug that whole we're not really in a position to complain.
I think you can add 50% to that
That's people's expectations for the accounts recently prepared, but they don't cover the current period do they?
No but have a look at some of El Pres's posts on the subject.
A £12M loss for 2012/13 may well be an underestimate, the annual accounts due for publication this March will need, for the first time, to include an annual depreciation charge for the stadium; if this is less than £4M I'd be surprised. This charge will then appear every year for the next 25 I guess, and the depreciation of the training ground is also yet to kick in.
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