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[Albion] Is it time to restart BISA or something similar?

Horses Arse

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2004
here and there
As a general rule, threats are indeed distasteful, but to be fair to the club, they know, or strongly suspect, as I am sure that we both do, that in a crowd of 30,000, there are very likely to be people who will do their utmost to ignore what they have been asked to do. Yes, bottle tops etc seem trivial, but in reality the rule reflects the age in which we live, as I am sure you know.

I don't disagree that there will be some that will ignore and carry on regardless. But why not state the case, the reason. Trust your customer. State the alternative, explain it. Show you care about how you come across. If/when proved wrong with examples of people ignoring the guidance then regrettably advise that sanctions will now have to be applied. The few screwed it up for the many, sorry but this is how it will now have to be etc etc

Or jump in two footed, take ball, man and bystanders and not worry because you're the man, you're in charge and if they don't like it someone else will suck it up.

As others have said, there's not a huge amount in the actions taken (ignoring the WBA thing for a moment) but the delivery has been a lesson in how to portray that you don't care, that you know you've a captive audience and you simply don't give a shit.


Well-known member
May 5, 2014
Oh god, we should have seen this bollox coming over the last couple of days.

The very epitome of self-entitled, look at me, my voice is still important (honest).
I guess this time it's Attila's turn to live in the past, last time it was Harty, which one next?

Thankfully [MENTION=3566]hans kraay fan club[/MENTION] has already very eloquently written why this is shit.

You want it you set it up, be honest if anyone else does they won't be able to breath with you old gits telling them how, just leave the rest of us out of it.

It's just a shame some of the fans refuse too.

"Good day today love"
"Yes thanks, although over lunch I did chip a little bit off my local legacy"
"Oh that's a shame, why would you do that?"
"Bottle tops and flasks aren't allowed into the ground"

If any thread needs taking down of pomposity by [MENTION=1416]Ernest[/MENTION]'s ARS it's this guff.

If you don't believe this is all about you, then there are bigger issues that you need to be dealing with.

"pass that on" :facepalm:

Now you're making even less sense, if that were possible?

You might have a point other than the fact we've had this before and I'm sure we'll have this again.
Last time it was Harty (shouldn't be too far behind now) this time it's Attila.

It's the same redundant pathetic grizzling weighed down with a heavy dose of self-aggrandizing, "us old gits" might even be an exact quote from Harty.

They'll never get the message that actually we're pretty happy with a fan owner and astute CEO, because they are giving the impression of people scared of being forgotten.
When in fact the only reason why that can happen is by themselves peeing all over their own fantastic legacy by wanting to relive the 'good old days'.

If "all I want to do is have a pint and watch football" were actually true absolutely nothing that's happened recently has affected Atilla, if anything he's currently in the best shape ever as an Albion fan, yet here we still are.

Why is that?

I certainly don't want to 'have a go', assuming that's in reference to me (&THPP) I just have a different opinion as to the motives of your post, it's a shame you see it that way.

Beyond occasionally dipping into flaskgate on here, I've no knowledge of the situation.

Would I be right in thinking flasks were banned a while ago?
Am I right in thinking people are still attempting to take them into the AMEX?
(People who must be old enough to know better)

If so, how should persistent offenders be spoken too?

PPF is your man.

Nobody can live in the past like he can.

Nope I think the credibility lies with someone starting every sentence:-

'In the good old days'


In the good old days...

The only way a BISA would have any viability would be if the Albion's #1 fan was running it.

I just think Mr Bloom has enough in his plate, already.

That's fine and I totally respect your opinion.
TBH I'd hold it too were it not for the disingenuous nature of this thread.

What you would have read from me in the past, when I can be bothered to be serious, is a loathing of the 'good old days', the lies that can only be created by rosy specs.

For such a well respected member of the Albion family to decide now (or when Hyypia was manager) is the time to find our voice just like the good old days, is nonsense.
I'm glad it was shot down in flames last time, I'm glad the majority seem to be doing the same now.

My only fear is that one day the Albion (long after Bloom & Barber-out) might actually need a vocal BISA only for then the memory will be so besmirched by this odd need to chip away at the heroic legacy, because that's what 'we (I) did in the good old days'.

As for the likes of Bushy, Hopkins, Dwayne, HB&B plus a few others, beyond a few comedic side swipes and some easy 'owning' what's the point?

Why feed them?

Attila asked for opinions "to pass on" (whatever that means) and he's got them.
The difference is he's smart enough to take them on board, and deal with them appropriately.

Not something that can be leveled at many on here, and certainly not the likes of Bushy, Das et al.

What are you if you repeatedly attempt to take your flask into the ground having been told by the club, then subsequent stewards, that they are banned, if not an idiot?

But the club weren't writing to you - you're not an idiot.

Flasks, bottle tops, throwing 'missiles', racist abuse, odd taunting, selling seats, has got nothing to do with you, me, Attila or 99% of the people on the mailing list.
But clearly they have to stoop down low, very low in fact, so that the actual idiots it is aimed at finally understand why they're being banned.

I have no idea why so many people completely unaffected are getting so uptight about stuff that not only doesn't effect them, but is being directed at the people they're run 100 miles to get away from.

But how do the club know, who are the idiots etc? Hence they have to address all fans. I am not in the slightest bit annoyed or offended, as I know it does not affect me, and I am sure that is the case for most Albion fans. And regarding your last sentence -surely they Have just spelled it out!

Hey Stat Bore,

For someone that accuses John of setting up a look at me thread, you do pretty well yourself.

And if not, you'll just make it yours anyway.

#Stat Bore, the 'new' spokesman' for his 'new' football club.

On the field things are going absolutely brilliantly, I think everyone will agree about that. Off the field we are treated like 'customers' and since the 'war years' ended have had no collective representation as supporters in the face of the negative aspects of the modern football experience discussed in many threads on here.
Many will say: no need, things have moved on, and the club won't listen anyway: no need, they know 95% of us won't walk away and there is a big waiting list ready to snap up the tickts of the 5% who do.
I actually think the revival of an organised supporters' group would be listened to by the club for all kinds of reasons, historical and actual, and it might make things easier for all concerned.
If it does happen it should be the new generation who take it forward: we old gits have done our bit.
We have a proud history of democratic relations with the club, not the top-down approach currently favoured ( an annual online fan survey and annual fans' forum doesn't really compare with our previous relationship does it?)
What do you think?

I think you should do it, you as in the old codgers and millennials together. To be honest the first action should be a group of fans at the WBA cup game gathered outside the Amex having a cup of hot something from their flasks or a drink of water from their enclosed water bottles. If a big enough number keep doing this outside as the game kicks off and don’t go in for the game, then the Argus will put the picture on their front page on Monday.

Public shaming and publicity will be the only way cloth earred bureaucrats at the club will listen. If you succeed you might stop a lot of fans drifting away from the club once they’ve seen another round of Prem fixtures and the novelty evaporates

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
To be fair to Giraffe in post #113, he said "old cronies" and not "old crones".

That 'i' makes all the difference. :smile:

I apologise. I did misread it, but probably because Giraffe has made disparaging comments about female members of the club previously.
That's no excuse for me not reading it properly.

All 300 odd are cronies? I'd be hard put to name 100 of them and I go on the coaches.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
I think you should do it, you as in the old codgers and millennials together. To be honest the first action should be a group of fans at the WBA cup game gathered outside the Amex having a cup of hot something from their flasks or a drink of water from their enclosed water bottles. If a big enough number keep doing this outside as the game kicks off and don’t go in for the game, then the Argus will put the picture on their front page on Monday.

Public shaming and publicity will be the only way cloth earred bureaucrats at the club will listen. If you succeed you might stop a lot of fans drifting away from the club once they’ve seen another round of Prem fixtures and the novelty evaporates

When was the last time you went to an away game? This isn't just Brighton. In fact the club are behind other Prem & Championship grounds.

n1 gull

Well-known member
Jul 25, 2003
Hey Stat Bore,

For someone that accuses John of setting up a look at me thread, you do pretty well yourself.

And if not, you'll just make it yours anyway.

#Stat Bore, the 'new' spokesman' for his 'new' football club.

I am so pleased someone else has written this as he is doing my head in. Over 46,000 posts and he's calling out Attila for being attention seeking, absolutely ridiculous behaviour

Bold Seagull

strong and stable with me, or...
Mar 18, 2010
This 100%


We’ve got one of the best run clubs in the country.

Time to move on.

You know what though, and I'll agree with @Atilla in that it is when things are going well that you should have an active input, not just when it goes to pot. Having a voice that isn't about moaning, but about sharing ideas and aspirations about progression and the future can only be a good thing. At present fan forums are great, but it's not a collective voice. Could be great for the club too in terms of things that work, things they might be planning to try. Could be very constructive with descending into an across table grievance session.

When was the last time you went to an away game? This isn't just Brighton. In fact the club are behind other Prem & Championship grounds.

The London Stadium. Which allows thermos flasks.

Congrats on the great research


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
Hey Stat Bore,

For someone that accuses John of setting up a look at me thread, you do pretty well yourself.

And if not, you'll just make it yours anyway.

#Stat Bore, the 'new' spokesman' for his 'new' football club.

And. THIS again

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
You know what though, and I'll agree with @Atilla in that it is when things are going well that you should have an active input, not just when it goes to pot. Having a voice that isn't about moaning, but about sharing ideas and aspirations about progression and the future can only be a good thing. At present fan forums are great, but it's not a collective voice. Could be great for the club too in terms of things that work, things they might be planning to try. Could be very constructive with descending into an across table grievance session.

Are you aware that Bozza is invited to fan meetings with other groups, by the club, Nsc is represented.

Iggle Piggle

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2010
But the club weren't writing to you - you're not an idiot.

Oh but they are. They've written to us all. That's the point. They are treating the 99% of people that have have never luzzed a water bottle - or would consider doing so - with the same tone as the 1%. All the more odd when you consider how well Barber communicates and the work it most probably creates for him.

I've no axe to grind with anyone on this board but I find it odd you've launched this thread to have a pop. [MENTION=528]attila[/MENTION] views don't often mirror my own - and I think poetry is proper shit - but like it or not he was one who bought the Goldstones plight to the fore and he's earnt the right to question the club more than most of us even if many disagree that it's required. Especially once in a blue moon. No need to get personal. You'd be the first bleating if it was the likes of bushy doing it.

Tim Over Whelmed

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 24, 2007
Yes. I wrote to Barber a couple of weeks back and had a response within an hour. I didn’t agree with everything he wrote, especially the point he made on page 72, but fair play for responding.

Ah, Page 72, you got the abridged version

I’ll be writing to Barber telling him I’ll be giving the cup game a miss directly because of his high handed crackdown on fans’ own drinks which a stadium like West Ham’s DO NOT DO. And I’ll wish him the best of luck in filling those 30,000 seats with his new “customers”


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
You do realise the top level guy receives his direction from the board & chairman? He isn't just on some made rampage off his own back. He is just doing what Tony Bloom wants him. The blinkered good Bloom / bad Barber views on here are incredible.

This narrative serves both well. Good cop, Bad cop is a thing because it works.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
The London Stadium. Which allows thermos flasks.

Congrats on the great research

He was my original research, Thunder_Bolt is actually correct. The Olympic stadium is actually very liberal about what you can bring it - so West Ham isn't a good example.

I've left out Spurs and the smaller clubs.

West Ham - Specifically permitted

Man United, Arsenal, Man City - Specifically banned

City ban all food and drink completely.

Newcastle, Huddersfield - Probably banned.

Newcastle don't allow "large amounts of food", Huddersfield banned them from a recent pop concert and rugby but can't find reference to football.

Watford - Discouraged.

Flasks "discouraged" and contents checked on entry. Fans.pdf

Bournemouth, Southampton, Cardiff, Fulham, Everton, Chelsea, Liverpool - Unclear.

Generic league advice "portable container and which could cause damage or personal injury" or specific bottle ban. No specific mention of flasks.

Outside of the league I did find Blackburn have a no bottle policy but specifically allow flasks.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2015
Sittingbourne, Kent
On the field things are going absolutely brilliantly, I think everyone will agree about that. Off the field we are treated like 'customers' and since the 'war years' ended have had no collective representation as supporters in the face of the negative aspects of the modern football experience discussed in many threads on here.
Many will say: no need, things have moved on, and the club won't listen anyway: no need, they know 95% of us won't walk away and there is a big waiting list ready to snap up the tickts of the 5% who do.
I actually think the revival of an organised supporters' group would be listened to by the club for all kinds of reasons, historical and actual, and it might make things easier for all concerned.
If it does happen it should be the new generation who take it forward: we old gits have done our bit.
We have a proud history of democratic relations with the club, not the top-down approach currently favoured ( an annual online fan survey and annual fans' forum doesn't really compare with our previous relationship does it?)
What do you think?

Problem is now, what would this group take to the board in terms of discussion? Who would elect such a group? Who would decide the big issues?

Back in the “war years” there was a common goal, to save our club, whereas now their are a series of minor gripes that appear to have annoyed a minority of vocal people. Let BISA rest in Albion history and enjoy your beer and football.

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
The London Stadium. Which allows thermos flasks.

Congrats on the great research

He was my original research, Thunder_Bolt is actually correct. The Olympic stadium is actually very liberal about what you can bring it - so West Ham isn't a good example.

I've left out Spurs and the smaller clubs.

West Ham - Specifically permitted

Man United, Arsenal, Man City - Specifically banned

City ban all food and drink completely.

Newcastle, Huddersfield - Probably banned.

Newcastle don't allow "large amounts of food", Huddersfield banned them from a recent pop concert and rugby but can't find reference to football.

Watford - Discouraged.

Flasks "discouraged" and contents checked on entry. Fans.pdf

Bournemouth, Southampton, Cardiff, Fulham, Everton, Chelsea, Liverpool - Unclear.

Generic league advice "portable container and which could cause damage or personal injury" or specific bottle ban. No specific mention of flasks.

Outside of the league I did find Blackburn have a no bottle policy but specifically allow flasks.

You are both missing one crucial fact:-

Fatima Whitbread couldn't throw a flask from the stands to the playing surface at the Olympic Stadium.

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