Horses Arse
Well-known member
As a general rule, threats are indeed distasteful, but to be fair to the club, they know, or strongly suspect, as I am sure that we both do, that in a crowd of 30,000, there are very likely to be people who will do their utmost to ignore what they have been asked to do. Yes, bottle tops etc seem trivial, but in reality the rule reflects the age in which we live, as I am sure you know.
I don't disagree that there will be some that will ignore and carry on regardless. But why not state the case, the reason. Trust your customer. State the alternative, explain it. Show you care about how you come across. If/when proved wrong with examples of people ignoring the guidance then regrettably advise that sanctions will now have to be applied. The few screwed it up for the many, sorry but this is how it will now have to be etc etc
Or jump in two footed, take ball, man and bystanders and not worry because you're the man, you're in charge and if they don't like it someone else will suck it up.
As others have said, there's not a huge amount in the actions taken (ignoring the WBA thing for a moment) but the delivery has been a lesson in how to portray that you don't care, that you know you've a captive audience and you simply don't give a shit.