Not awoke
Which Valley is your iPhone climbing buddy?
fek my typing is so poor lol
Which Valley is your iPhone climbing buddy?
They go for between £190 - £220 on eBay so something close to that region
As for others looking to shift their old iPhone's and don't want to use eBay, have a look at Mobile Phone Recycling | Sell mobile phones for cash to Envirofone (Envirophone). They've offered £175 for mine which is pretty good for a middle-man service.
my youngest who works for apple has been offered £380 for her IP4
my youngest who works for apple has been offered £380 for her IP4
I'm a bit baffled as to what those expecting more were expecting. What stuff would have made them go 'wow'?
Don't know about expecting, but something that would make a big difference to me would be a really cool way of doing word processing. I know this might sound a bit weird, but I quite often need to work on short train journeys for example and I don't always want to have to carry a netbook / ipad around.
Actually, while I'm at it, any suggestions for whether this is possible (even if not in a very sexy way) on existing iPhones or the 5?
Yeah - Pages for iPhone -
Use voice dictation if you're alone or get a cheap bluetooth keyboard.
Or wait for the mini iPad.
What colour is everyone getting? Was going to get White, but not sure now its White/Silver, and the Black/Slate looks like a nice finish.
Now THAT is the big question.
My 4s is white but I'm tempted to go back to black this time. It looks stealthy.
Offered by whom?
What colour is everyone getting? Was going to get White, but not sure now its White/Silver, and the Black/Slate looks like a nice finish.