I'm in the process of simultaneously trying to rebuild some of the collection that I once held, on long discarded cassettes
You want more links?
3 albums I've bought recently:
Really like that, even if the video made me a bit sick...
The third one, not so much, but then you knew that anyway!
Superb. Hammond organ-tastic
One of my favourite moments from 2001:
Yeah, I feel the same as I'd like to join in with the daytime banter but don't always get the chance, and when I check the thread in the evening I have to edit myself from writing 10 paragraphs of vaguely relevant waffle!Just caught up with some of the more recent clips on the thread. Unfortunately I am not able to access NSC on an average work day and when I log in each evening I end up pretty envious not to have been part of the daytime banter. Anyway, enough of that. CD3 has been another revelation. Card From A Multipack and Cheer Up being particular highlights as is I Give You Two Seconds To Entertain Me by Northern Portion. To be honest though, it's all brilliant. The Bartlebees are my biggest find so far and just one more CD to go next week. My original list of a 'perfect' compilation looks really conservative now in comparison to what else is around. Going to make a real effort to keep that final weekend in July free next year. And if I could encourage everyone along to Edge Of The Sea that is always worth attending.
Yeah, I feel the same as I'd like to join in with the daytime banter but don't always get the chance, and when I check the thread in the evening I have to edit myself from writing 10 paragraphs of vaguely relevant waffle!
Really glad you've been enjoying the CDs though and I look forward to your comments on #4. I'm contemplating another multi-CD set Vol II...
I'll stop now and have another glass whilst toasting our ongoing unbeaten streak(sorry Staly, but we've been pretty good not talking about the Seagulls!)
I can only begin to imagine how good a follow up it would be and I for one hope you manage to compile it. Starting CD 4 tomorrow on the way to work. Will make getting up on a Monday morning much less painful.
I'm back to Murray's CD2 today, after devoting some quality time to George Best. Terrific stuff. My favourites are still the St.Ettienne-esque track 4, and the lovely Cat's Miaow number.
Just nipped out to buy a sandwich for lunch. It's freshers' week so loads of first year students wandering around looking lost. Passed one with a Meat Is Murder t-shirt on and I was thinking that, given that he was presumably born in 1995 the Smiths are as far away to him as Heartbreak Hotel was when I was his age....
Do today's 18 year olds actually listen to the Smiths, do you think, or is it just 'cool', like all the folk wearing Ramones T-shirts?