John Bumlick
that is not actually "food" - read the fact - post the label on here.
meat from asda is really some dead flesh from half way round the planet, pumped with additives, flavorings, sweeteners, antibiotics......and other chemical cocktails to fool idiots into making them THINK it tastes nice (by going for sensations in the brain).
wow, i love the english masses when it comes to food - so uneducated and they turn round with things like "oh you one of those healthy food types", but i only eat "food" - and that is not food.
10% sugar in ones dinner - are you a child who likes sweets?
so, asda is a government agency conspiring to make english people fat and unhealthy and to control their minds by the use of additives so they turn into a brainwashed mass too frail to fight back when the illuminati take over. right? just guessing like.....