Pretty pink fairy
- Jan 30, 2008
- 31,981
ha ha Grammer police, thanks for your inputWell no, as you ask.
When I was at school the plural of roof was rooves but I have been aware for some time that this is no longer the case and roofs is now suggested as the normal plural in the OED. I'm not quite sure when this happened.
Now of course this is not a great concern in itself. Many of our modern words and spellings began with Shakespeare and have continually adapted. It is just that the rate of change that has accelerated. My main worry is that my grandchildren struggle to communicate in anything other than a slightly extended text speak and it lacks so much of the colour and texture of the language properly used.
That is all an aside however to your use of "loafs" rather than "loaves" which I find to be just lazy but may now be acceptable. Hence my question!
