Stevie Boy
Well-known member
if you watch Only Fools and Horses there are things said in them about Paki shops etc, and they havent taken them off TV
Punk has a dodgy history here. Let's not forget the Pistols wrote a song called Belsen Was a Gas. There's no defence to this, no matter how much you want to shock people.
My view of Iggy, for what it's worth, is that he's both a musical giant who's made a string of brilliant records and a bit of a berk.
Okay, might I just point out something ? Iggy Pop is an American. The word 'Paki' is not meant as is derogatory term there it's just a slang word for somebody who is from the Indian sub continent. The reason is quite simple. An 'Asian' to most Americans is somebody of Oriental descent bearing in mind that America as a large Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese and not to forget Hawaian population and not a large Indian/Pakistani/ Sri Lankan/Bangaldeshie population. It's just a term to distinguish them as a race.
Yet another bit of NSC PC Bandwagon jumping.
Have you ever tried capital letters, and punctuation?
Since Iggy Pop has lived a fair amount of his life in London, I would say Sir, you are talking bollocks in this example.
In the UK Paki is a negative, racist word. Iggy Pop was talking on UK national TV, Iggy Pop should not have used it, he did use and the interviewers should have pulled him up on it.
Funnily enough from what I learned yesterday you are the person talking bollocks. I'm working with a Sikh and a Moslem this week and I mentioned this and they just laughed. Seems that the way white PC people keep making such a big deal out of so little annoys them as people as it actually heightens racism (their words not mine). They were both born and bred here so out very much British but they don't give a damn about the expression.
They did suggest that people like Richie should get a life however.