I first started using NSC in '99/00 . . . . before you had to register to post!
I remember Someone itk back in those days mooting the possible arrival of Steve Coppell
I first started using NSC in '99/00 . . . . before you had to register to post!
Unfortunately you haven't made enough posts to qualify for the 10th anniversary carriage clock.
But would he give a toss
Glad to see you posting. I thought something might have happened to you.
Moaning isn't confined to jcl's. I can remember whinging and moaning at the Goldstone, in the 60s. That's football for you. Fickle fans.
Some people are optimists and hope for the best, and others are pessimists and look on the gloomy side, all the time.
#team optimist.
I joined on 2011. What the Frack is up with all the 'oh, it's ok if we go down, we tried'.
The squad strengthening has been sub par, and many would agree as not tried hard enough.
Or am I alone in thinking its not fracking ok. Are those people saying were deluded trying to keep up with clubs like Bournemouth.Burnly, west brom. Etc
My first post was in early 2004 but it was under another name, I posted under that name for sometime then realised it was not cool to use your real name so thought....what name should I use? under my old name most people replied......... hi tony blah blah blah.......the new name was born.....and this account was made in .........(needs to post to check!!) July 2005