Somalian, then I could come here and get the British to give me everything for free.
I was wrong to post that in a lighthearted thread like this , so much as i'm itching to respond, i wont , it would only derail it.Well if you were from Mogadishu and managed to survive the civil war and had and lost everything I would be proud to help you out, Blackhawk down is a good example of how ravaged the city became, I had to interview someone over the phone who was traveling in a vehicle the other year and the sounds of gunfire were very disturbing. Mo Pharaoh is a great example of many Somalis who have embraced being British and proud of their own heritage.
Having lived in a few countries, the one thing ive really noticed is ...they are all the same apart from the language. Do the same things. Want the same things. Whinge about the same thingsPersonally, wouldnt mind an Irish passport, as they dont really feck with anybody, and nobody wants to kill them generally.
Sorry. Your wordly travels have brought you to that conclusion?