I don’t care what you believe. Live in Bearsden, grew up in North Berwick, went to uni in Edinburgh, did masters at Strathclyde.
Rangers fan, is that the best you can doPathetic.
Much better position than rest of the UK? Absolute nonsense. Education, once something Scotland excelled at has been trashed, all independent UK and international rankings say so. SNHS in terminal decline and SNP missing every one of their own targets. Failed policy after failed policy (named person, DRS, gender reform, rent controls) Even this week they have announced they will miss their own climate targets.
Drug deaths up, alcohol related deaths up, life expectancy down, shambolic approach to tax and corruption on a scale to make the Tories embarrassed. I assume you saw the news on Peter Murrell today?
Fortunately they are in the way out. A Scottish Labour govt working in partnership with a UK Labour govt will reset 16 years of failure. And neither of us will see Scotland independent in our lifetime.
The NHS is Scotland is the best performing of all of them. Channel 4 news.
The “failed policies” like the Gender reform bill was passed by people from all parties on the parliament so it’s a responsibility that they all have Gender Reform bill Vote, Scottish Parliament, it’s also a policy that’s successfully implemented in Europe, such as Ireland Gender Reform Act - Ireland
Some of those policies were also excellent. The Deposit return scheme is in place in European countries (Germany has it for example and it works really well (Deutsche Welle) and given the state that people leave parks etc in here, it should have been brought in. It only wasn’t because companies here started crying about lost profits and Westminster blocking the proposals because we also wanted to include glass (BBC News).
The rent controls up here are excellent as well, tenants have strong rights and deposits are protected - it is very far from a failed policy. It’s largely said to be so by landlords, who miss being able to raise rents by significant figures and withhold deposits whenever they like.
The safe deposit scheme is excellent and rent rises are up to 3% so you are still seeing a rise, roughly in line with wages rises.
The Scottish Government have been fighting Westminster for years now because they kept blocking the safe consumption rooms policy, and the efforts being put in to tackle the Drugs problems. We have.its finally got the go ahead though BBC News it’s also worth noting the article also shows that the problem is really bad across the whole of the UK, and that Scotlands rate of drugs related deaths have actually fallen by 20%.
So all lot of the failures you claim actually are not failures, and some of the policies you rubbish were actually excellent ideas held back by corporations and Westminster.
What you should be asking yourself is why positive changes in Scotland that the Greens and SNP try to bring in, and ones successfully in place in other European countries, being stopped by others?
I’ll add that I hate online political arguments so I am going to leave this here. You vote for who you want, I’ll vote for who I want. Given the Tories exist in the world, everything that happens in Scotland pales into comparison when schemes such as Rwanda, the treatment of Migrants, the overall running down of the NHS, the fraudulent funnelling of billions of our tax money to their friends (which is never investigated); all exist.
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