pork pie
New member
What effect would the government producing more money have on the economy?
They are in a way. It is called quantitative easing. If you are talking about actual cash? That would without doubt result in hyper-inflation.
What effect would the government producing more money have on the economy?
...They've got some videos which explain the current monetary system
my mother inherited £500 in 1954 and put it in building society it stayed there until she died and had grown to £1000. My father had asked her to use that money to buy a detached house at that time (1954) costing £500. Over time she had made £1000 the house she could have bought had risen to being worth £350,000), .
Tories don't like inflation.
Who does?
no they don't, they are perpetuting a myth. the very essence of the problems in banking stem from the fact they cant obtain credit. if they could create money as claimed, then could lend themselves out of the problem. only the central bank can create money that doesnt otherwise exist by literally printing (old fashioned and inflationary) or this new wheeze of qunatitve easing, buying back bonds, which isnt inflationary, as it sits on the banks balance sheets, gets lent back out to other banks or back to the government for new bonds. this in turn lower yields and makes other lending, ie to businesses, more attractive, so they can borrow and invest. well, so goes th theory. note, the ECB isnt allowed to do this so cant and Greece doesnt have a central bank so cant print or do QE either. it needs someone else to stump up the cash to cover it and its local commercial banks debts (which are essentially the same thing since they lent the government their money, but now its not paid back, its not worth anything. the balance sheet shrinks, but they have to hold certain reserves, so need to borrow to cover operational requirements).
really government does control the quantity of money in circulation, they set the policies for the central banks follow and the legislation and regulation for the banks. problem is they like to spend and keep people sweet, so have pursued policies that allow loose monetary control and been profligate fiscally too. all this was supposed to be funded by some new ecomonic wizardy, but really its just been built on asset price bubble along with a flood of cheap credit from oil exporters and China who find themselves with an awfull lot of our cash and wanting to invest it somewhere. money is created by adding value as it circles this great merry go round, not by a button push loan on a bankers terminal. it is created by dozens, even hundreds of transactions. the same as it ever was, only its done so much quicker now.
Its no myth, what they are talking about is broad money or what the bank of england calls (M4). ... When a bank or building society makes a loan to households or companies it automatically creates a deposit — either for the borrower, or for the recipient of the borrowers’ expenditure if the loan is spent immediately
You could always work more overtime and earn more...
what they are doing is taking the technical mechanics of a particular process and mis-representing it. their claim is that when a bank create that deposit, the cash come from nothing, theres nothing else in the system to back that amount until they created it, when in reality they have a cash surplus on the balance sheet to begin with. they explicitly deny banks gain funds from savers or other sources. so why do they bother to attract savers in if they can magic money? why sell bonds or shares to raise capital then?
The Govt. is using QE to deliberately encourage more inflation, because that reduces the value of its long term debts.
Someone made a good profit out of your mum's inheritance then.... I wonder who?
Isn't money just an I.O.U for gold? As in, money is only worth as much as that countries gold reserves. Otherwise they're just bits of paper.
To the best of my knowledge we moved off the gold standard some years ago. For a period from the 40s we said the Pound was worth X US Dollars, which were backed by gold. However, since the 70s you can't convert dollars to gold, and money is now basically backed by a government's reputation (in essence at least). This is why you can have vast fluctuations in exchange rates. Essentially they're just bits of paper, and they're worth as much as we perceive they're worth. I mean ultimately gold is just a bit of metal anyway, not much use. Can't eat it, impractical to build shelter from, can't use it to form tools easily (at least compared to other metals). It's all about perception.
I learn a lot on this forum![]()
I mean ultimately gold is just a bit of metal anyway, not much use. Can't eat it, impractical to build shelter from, can't use it to form tools easily (at least compared to other metals). It's all about perception.
If everyone's skint they just need to post on the Wolves/Poyet thread to be in with a chance of winning £10. This could help solve the country's problems!
It's pretty though, and rare. It is only formed by the supernova explosion of certain stars, pretty much starting out as a 'gold gas', this then forms in larger particles forming a 'gold dust' which then starts sticking together with other matter to form a planet, which will be pretty molten to start with. In this molten mess, some of the molten gold forms into pockets and veins, which when cooled doesn't adhere to other stuff very well, and so forms little pockets of metal nuggets that we know as found in mines etc. often in solid rock.
These nuggets are pretty, and girls like to sleep with men who give them some of it, which is pretty much what the worlds economy is built on.