Albion Rob
New member
How so?
If the idea was that the job-seeker could gain skills during their work that they could use to obtain future employment then it would be a good thing for them to do. If it's just doing a job for Tesco that's of no benefit for them, then I'd also prefer it was something for the community instead.[/
I think that's maybe a big part of the problem - the vast majority seems to be in retail or supermarkets - does work experience there really help people get job in that sector? Or would they've able to land a job in that area anyway if one existed.
Reading with kids and green keeping sprang to mind but surly there's some painting that needs doing, plus maybe a spot of handyman on various public buildings? Our unemployed brothers and sisters surely have a multitude of skills to bring for the benefit of us all, not least themselves. Good grief, I think I may have cracked the Big Society! 12 hours a week paid working for the good of the community.