Woosnam. Purely for admitting that during golf tournaments he could never just go to bed after a round like a sensible athlete and just stare at the hotel room ceiling. He always wanted to go to the Bar for the evening. Don't know why but those words have stuck with me...
Just look at that hair.
A GLARING omission on that Poll Crodo.
Schoolboy error
Good thread although I must confess I thought it was a poll to decide once and for all Ian v Iain.
And downed that pint of Guinness in one when we won the Ryder Cup. Legend!
[MENTION=159]Stumpy Tim[/MENTION] used to have a cat called Ian. Always made me chuckle when people called after him (the cat, not Tim).
I'm an Ian, and I have to say I've always hated my name. It's always struck me as an old man's name and even now in my 40's I'm still considering changing it. I hate my surname too so I'll be taking Mrs Gabba-to-be's surname when we tie the knot.