Use the bus then
Bus doesn't go where I work

Doesn't go where I live either, at the moment

Use the bus then
well ile tell you a story ,ive just got back from bait digging on shoreham beach ,and the fesh snow melt of the afternoon sun has refrozen on to the sand for around 15 yards , ive never seen the sand which obviously has a large salt content freeze over like that in this country before. At the hi tide mark clean untouched snow but for the footprints of foxes, and my own, ahhh lovely.
i bet you were digging WHITE rag!
I had no probs delivering in my lorry yesterday, I suppose it may have been a little tricky for amateurs though.
The trouble is that most of the problems on the roads are caused by the self appointed professionals driving their lorries, whether the conditions be snow ice or rain.
The majority of accidents on the motorways involve lorries and or vans. The vast majority of which are as a result of lorries tail gateing cars FACT.