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#Cancer has no colours
Firstly hello all and I hope it is ok with the moderators to post this.
My name is Tony Munday, I am a 49 year old unfit Millwall supporter (someone has to be) who is heading for the knackers yard. On Sunday March 18th I am running the Brentwood half marathon on behalf of a 3 year old little girl called Isla Caton who is suffering from the same horrible disease that took Bradley Lowery the boy who captured the nations hearts.
The disease is Neuroblastoma and the treatment for this is only available in America.
On Tuesday young Isla had an operation to move a tumour from her brain and now goes back to chemo treatment to clear the cancer.
Through the Bradley Lowery foundation the family need to raise £400,000.
Here’s the catch.
Isla Caton is born into a staunch West Ham family and as a Millwall supporter I am using this as leverage to raise as much money for her as possible.
The rivalry between the two clubs is huge and I pray they lose every week.
I set my original target at £1000 and declared I would run in a West Ham shirt if reached. Due to having many West Ham friends who I have wound up over the years I reached the £1000 in 24 hours.
I added targets
£2000 to run in full kit
£3500 to do crossed hammers at finish line
£7000 to run with dyed claret and blue hair
I’ve topped the £7000 so the hair will be dyed, but I’m gonna raise the target again to £12,000 as this girl needs as much as possible. The Bradley Lowery foundation is a marvellous tribute to the sadly missed youngster.
Normally I wouldn’t even look at a West Ham kit let alone wear one but I’m prepared for the stick I’ll get for the rest of my life so this amazing little girl gets what she needs. My pain will be nothing compared to what she is going through.
It’s a very small sacrifice for me to make.
I am joining forums of all 92 league clubs to post this message and hoping the football family come together to help smash this target and help send this incredibly brave little girl to America to save her life by donating to my just giving page.
In my eyes cancer has no colours especially in children.
Isla’s twitter address is @islasfight, feel free to look and see what she’s going through
Here is my just giving page below, hopefully you will find it in your hearts to donate to the cause through my run.
Forget the £7,000 target lets smash it to as much as possible, this angel deserves a chance at life
I thank you all so much in advance
Now at £14,700!!!
Update from Isla’s Mum and Dad
Hey Tony, knuckle dragger or not, get the claret and blue on and share your pictures for us. Its done,