i think it's a great movie and i hope it wins as many oscars as possible (although that's partly due to an anti-Cameron stance I have).
i really don't understand some of the comments on it being about how wonderful and powerful America is. it's definitely pro the American soldiers but not exactly pro America. there is a difference...
I don't often stop watching films half way through, but didn't have a problem with doing it for this one, as I wasn't really hooked.
Enjoyed the start, but after the scene of meeting the British, and then having a sniper battle, which seemed to go FOREVER, I decided to call it a night, and watch it in two sittings.
This must be the worst reviewed film ever to win an oscar. Right wing pro-war politics must have had a very heavy hand here.
Just look at some of the comments and reviews on the intenet movie data base (The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)), especially from veterens who are shocked and upset at the way their experiences have been represented in this film.
For authentic war portrayal you cannot beat Band of Brothers – saw the first episode of The Pacific and it looks reasonably promising but not in the same league as BOB.