True, you do see more national media reports about ancient drivers doing silly things than you do about middle-aged ones and I've yet to see a headline in my morning paper about '48-year-old killed after driving past give way sign'. Doesn't prove much in itself though.
The only answer is that retesting frequencies should be based on the accident statistics for each age group.
Extracted from Department for Transport official statistics for 2012
Of course these figures don't tell the whole story - missing for instance are comparisons of mileage driven by each age group - they don't however support the idea that elderly drivers are involved in the most accidents.
Rprtd Accidents Drivers Full Licence %
17-19 - - - - 7,105 - - - - - 316,058 - - - 2.248%
20-24 - - - - 14,109 - - - - - 172,893 - - - 1.203%
25-29 - - - - 13,341 - - - - 1,465,831 - - - 0.910%
30-34 - - - - 14,806 - - - - 1,671,038 - - - 0.886%
35-39 - - - - 12,256 - - - - 1,724,737 - - - 0.711%
40-49 - - - - 24,016 - - - - 4,373,892 - - - 0.549%
50-59 - - - - 17,882 - - - - 3,962,034 - - - 0.451%
60-69 - - - - 11,166 - - - - 3,478,534 - - - 0.321%
70+ -- - - - 8,388 - - - - 2,420,939 - - - 0.346%
Age N/K - - - - - 8,470
All ages - - - 131,539 - - -- 20,585,956 - - - 0.639%
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