Had a £100 per month monthly savings scheme which could be used to buy some shares few years ago from work - needed to save for 5 years though. Made the worst investment decision of my life after three years and cashed in (my 3600 made like £200 interest). Bloke next to me at work did the same thing but completed the scheme. By the time he came to buy his shares his £6000 (for full 5 yrs) plus £1000 bonus for completing the scheme enabled him to buy the shares at the original price when the scheme started (about £11 each) and then sold them immediately at the market value which was like £80 each at the time - so he netted like 55kso for the sake of saving another 2 years it cost me 52k in lost earnings
Ergo if your firm offers a profit sharing scheme - INVEST! NB most proper schemes are backed by banks or building societies so at worse you would het your money back if the firm goes bust..
Have always done these.....mostly made decent money from them, but as you say you can’t lose really. If the shares drop in value you get your savings and interest back. The shares are usually discounted when you subscribe too, increasing the chance of making a few quid. Literally today got a share certificate through for the latest one - 3 years @ £250/month, shares about 50% up on original price so £5k profit.