Can I DM you about this experience? My eldest cannot cope with primary schoolI didn't and neither did Mrs Lanky, but both Junior Lankys go to a Froebel School which is on our doorstep. Yes, it's fee paying and yes, we've been hit hard by the addition of VAT. Fortunately, our eldest goes to our local Secondary in September, so we will have one less fee to pay from then on.
We don't see our choice of sending our boys to a Froebel School as a 'private' education at all and feel incredibly lucky to be in a position to afford to send them there.
For those who don't know, a Froebel school is based on the educational philosophy of Friedrich Froebel, a German educator who is best known for founding the concept of kindergarten. Froebel believed that children learn best through play, hands-on activities, and social interaction. His educational approach emphasizes the importance of nurturing a child's natural curiosity, creativity, and imagination.
This form of education has been the right thing for our boys and is so far away from the stereotypical view of private education of the likes of a Brighton College.
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