Deleted member 22389
I don't know what the thread is trying to achieve?
I don't know what the thread is trying to achieve?
I don't know what the thread is trying to achieve?
It's reminding people there's a bellend in prison for breaking the law, and other bellends want him free (or just use it as an excuse to hit things).
Cut a long story short.
He got a slap on the wrists for filming and naming possible Asian rapists on social media and told don't do this again.
He then done the above again a few weeks later and was jailed.
And he has a long history of criminal convictions from brawling and hooliganism to mortgage fraud and travelling on another persons passport.
I don't know what the thread is trying to achieve?
Why did he / do they just target 1 type of pedo? I never see them mention or go after white pedo gangs? Just Asian / Muslim? Or are there different rules
The biggest paedophile cases known, Savile, Clifford, Harris, Dolphin Square have involved almost exclusively white Christians and have also been the subject of extensive cover ups by Police, Parliament, the BBC and other institutions that are dominated by upper class, white, English Christians.
Google Dolphin House. In fact don't, it's depressing af.
did they target their victims on race and religion ? and they pale into comparison with the industrial scale of the grooming gangs.
And he has a long history of criminal convictions from brawling and hooliganism to mortgage fraud and travelling on another persons passport.
Not sure why a female London bus driver should be terrorised over Asian grooming gangs tbh. but hey.
There's a surprise. Like I say. Cover up.