Tony Meolas Loan Spell
Slut Faced Whores
Nothing to d with rivalry i expect a mod to realise this is nothing more than a wimd up especially when countered with reasoned arguments.
If I've honestly wound people up with my posts on here then:-
1. It was genuinely unintentional
2. I hadn't realised asking if TB was a "billionaire" would wind people up. I assumed it was something that was interesting as a discussion point. Jeez i even posted that I was "jealous" of you having him as your owner. Was that also trolling?
3. If you represent the average Brighton fan now then I guess my input is neither wanted nor popular with your new fans. Fair enough I guess.
If anyone honestly thinks that I should be banned for my posts on this thread the god help NSC.
if you represent the average Brighton fan now then I guess my input is neither wanted nor popular with your new fans. Fair enough I guess.
This board has been plagued by Palace fans lately and it's pissing a lot of people off, myself included.
A moderator writes ...
It seems to me that it is perfectly acceptable to discuss this topic intelligently on NSC. And much of this thread has been intelligent discussion. It is also acceptable to ask where Tony Bloom's wealth comes from. The fact that nobody knows makes it all the more acceptable to discuss this. It's a topic that has been aired regularly - usually with Albion fans being the first to ask the questions. I don't consider it to be a question that could only come from a troublemaking troll. I'm as fed up with trolling as most. But I don't see a reason to intervene in this thread - other than to support the deletion of excessive personal abuse.
A moderator writes ...
I'm as fed up with trolling as most.
Can I ask you a genuine question, If we are just here to discuss football is that really so wrong? What is it that gets you so much? if you come back with something like "you're all pikey scum" then forget I asked the question.
As an Albion fan, I haven't a problem with the recent CP fans postings, as long as it is polite, reasoned or funny.
In the zzzzzzz long build up to the next derby, some on here are getting slightly violent in their tone, with a knuckle dragging hatred of all things CP.
Nothing to d with rivalry i expect a mod to realise this is nothing more than a wimd up especially when countered with reasoned arguments.
Clear yet very subtle trolling. The message was prove what Tony's wealth is, or by nudges, winks and hints, I'll paint the picture of Tony really having not enough money, and by implication the albion being on the road to ruin.
Buzzer was right, the thread should have been closed before the trolling and innuendo even started.
There's a number of sour-faced palace fans who delight in pouring cold water on anything that's good about the albion. Slagging off the stadium and raising question marks about finances are 2 of their favorite tactics.
Clear yet very subtle trolling. The message was prove what Tony's wealth is, or by nudges, winks and hints, I'll paint the picture of Tony really having not enough money, and by implication the albion being on the road to ruin.
Buzzer was right, the thread should have been closed before the trolling and innuendo even started.
There's a number of sour-faced palace fans who delight in pouring cold water on anything that's good about the albion. Slagging off the stadium and raising question marks about finances are 2 of their favorite tactics.
As an Albion fan, I haven't a problem with the recent CP fans postings, as long as it is polite, reasoned or funny.
In the zzzzzzz long build up to the next derby, some on here are getting slightly violent in their tone, with a knuckle dragging hatred of all things CP.
Clear yet very subtle trolling. The message was prove what Tony's wealth is, or by nudges, winks and hints, I'll paint the picture of Tony really having not enough money, and by implication the albion being on the road to ruin.
Buzzer was right, the thread should have been closed before the trolling and innuendo even started.
There's a number of sour-faced palace fans who delight in pouring cold water on anything that's good about the albion. Slagging off the stadium and raising question marks about finances are 2 of their favorite tactics.
That and I'm jealous that you have such a wealthy, supportive owner who appears to be a genuine fan to boot.![]()
Clear yet very subtle trolling. The message was prove what Tony's wealth is, or by nudges, winks and hints, I'll paint the picture of Tony really having not enough money, and by implication the albion being on the road to ruin.
Buzzer was right, the thread should have been closed before the trolling and innuendo even started.
There's a number of sour-faced palace fans who delight in pouring cold water on anything that's good about the albion. Slagging off the stadium and raising question marks about finances are 2 of their favorite tactics.
That and I'm jealous that you have such a wealthy, supportive owner who appears to be a genuine fan to boot.![]()
It makes me wonder of some have any interest outside of supporting their team, oh well as long as they are happy.
This was a good thread. The dullards Buzzer, Marcus and the endlessly banned cjd have ruined it. Who cares whether the palace fan thinks Bloom's not worth that much? Does it really matter in the scale of things?
I feel sorry for Titanic. The amount of abuse he gets on here is ridiculous.
Bill Archer didn't do too badly out of it either, bought the club for £50 sold the ground for £7m.
This was a good thread. The dullards Buzzer, Marcus and the endlessly banned cjd have ruined it. Who cares whether the palace fan thinks Bloom's not worth that much? Does it really matter in the scale of things?
I feel sorry for Titanic. The amount of abuse he gets on here is ridiculous.