el punal
Well-known member
"I'm good" makes perfect sense and is grammatically correct.
Yes, I know. I was of course referring to one's well being and health rather than have they been a model citizen.
"I'm good" makes perfect sense and is grammatically correct.
The correct reply is to also say how do you do?
"I'm good" makes perfect sense and is grammatically correct.
It might be. But it's no answer to 'would you like a cup of tea?' which is when I get it from the younger generation in my office. What does, 'I'm good' mean in relation to that? (generally, it means 'no thanks). I must admit to getting irritated by 'I'm good' as a response to various questions - I do sometimes retort along the lines of something like 'isn't that for us to judge, not yourself?'
The correct reply is to also say how do you do?
Would "I'm OK, thanks" be a suitable response?
"I'm good" makes perfect sense and is grammatically correct.
Really ?When i ask any of my children questions like, you do want a cup of tea they respond with "i'm good".
The correct grammatical response is "no Thank you"
Would "I'm OK, thanks" be a suitable response?
How do you do is not the same as how are you.
It might be. But it's no answer to 'would you like a cup of tea?' which is when I get it from the younger generation in my office. What does, 'I'm good' mean in relation to that? (generally, it means 'no thanks).