- Apr 5, 2014
- 27,638
We should all have the right to openly hate for no rational reason, clearly. I think some folk can't survive without it.
We should all have the right to openly hate for no rational reason, clearly. I think some folk can't survive without it.
Well, that’s sorted out my Xmas day this year if politics is brought into the conversation by anyone! Thankyou for the tip.Turn it into a drinking game. Every time someone crowbars politics into the conversation they have to do a shot. They will either shut up or pass out.
That’s probably the worst idea if you actually don’t want the conversation to continue.Ask “can you give me an example of that?” .
Keep asking it, talking over them if necessary, and even following them round the house.
They‘ll soon get the message.
It's a tough one, we have a conspiracy theorist in our family. 10 mins in his presence and he's shoehorned in something about Blackrock, vaccines and lockdowns and things get more ridiculous the more he has to drink. I never know how to handle it, my instinct is to challenge him but then I can end up getting drawn in to a discussion about whether the moon is hollow or not!Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to politics. Just general, easy going conversations within minutes turn in to a comment that supports their political view. It’s usually opinion based with no evidence. Their obsession is getting on my nerves. I really don’t look forward to visits. My wife goes along with it much easier than me. If they weren’t family i’d be tempted to put on ignore or may be they should be put on ignore for my own mental health?
You could have real fun with this. For every looney tinfoil hat topic he launches into, come up with something even more ridiculous and blatantly nonsense, then act surprised and aggrieved if he questions it. And just keep at it, don’t let up or admit you’re playing a game - go all in.It's a tough one, we have a conspiracy theorist in our family. 10 mins in his presence and he's shoehorned in something about Blackrock, vaccines and lockdowns and things get more ridiculous the more he has to drink. I never know how to handle it, my instinct is to challenge him but then I can end up getting drawn in to a discussion about whether the moon is hollow or not!
Use the ‘ignore relative’ function. Well worth a fiver a month.Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to politics. Just general, easy going conversations within minutes turn in to a comment that supports their political view. It’s usually opinion based with no evidence. Their obsession is getting on my nerves. I really don’t look forward to visits. My wife goes along with it much easier than me. If they weren’t family i’d be tempted to put on ignore or may be they should be put on ignore for my own mental health?
All families are different. I’d just try and be proactive about steering the narrative away from politics although if you are talking about current affairs, it can be tough.Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to politics. Just general, easy going conversations within minutes turn in to a comment that supports their political view. It’s usually opinion based with no evidence. Their obsession is getting on my nerves. I really don’t look forward to visits. My wife goes along with it much easier than me. If they weren’t family i’d be tempted to put on ignore or may be they should be put on ignore for my own mental health?
No need to bring @El Presidente into thisAll families are different. I’d just try and be proactive about steering the narrative away from politics although if you are talking about current affairs, it can be tough.
I wonder if your family members are posting the same about you on some politics forum?
“Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to football.”
Also, it could be worse, they could be bringing up other more difficult subjects……
“Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to strictly come dancing.”
“Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to pornography.”
Well, they can come again.“Need a bit of help here. I’ve got family members who seem to turn everything in to pornography.”
I imagine this is exactly what the Today programme’s new presenter Emma Barnett is like at home.Ask “can you give me an example of that?” .
Keep asking it, talking over them if necessary, and even following them round the house.
They‘ll soon get the message.
Obviously if he's left wing, agree and ask him to expand his argument. If he's right wing, tell him he's wrong and you don't want to hear another word from his stupid mouth.I’ll need to know which party they support before providing a response.