Anyone got tv's in the bathroom?
Bit dangerous isn't it? Ha ha
Anyone got tv's in the bathroom?
Bit dangerous isn't it? Ha ha
40 inch in the living room, and a full 42 inches in the bedroom.
Mines so big it's mounted on the wall.
haven't got one
or access to internet at home
I have a Roberts Rambler radio that only picks up MW and LW
This isn't it but looks like it
Would never have a tv in the bedroom, it is just wrong, when you are there you should be either sleeping or on the nest...nothing else!
You don't need anything bigger than 32". I've a 32" and a 28" TV/monitor for me macintosh computer. 2 VHS players, one DVD player, 3 macintoshes, one PS3, one sega megadrive and one nintendo Game and Watch multiscreen Greenhouse game.
Of course it does...
You don't need anything bigger than 32". I've a 32" and a 28" TV/monitor for me macintosh computer. 2 VHS players, one DVD player, 3 macintoshes, one PS3, one sega megadrive and one nintendo Game and Watch multiscreen Greenhouse game.