The Fifth Column
Lazy mug
No. But we should be a bit more discerning in the application of law. Most people who have asked me for money in Brighton, and that's every day as I work and live in the town centre, are polite with it. If ever I am bothered by it I just remind myself of the accommodating flat I am going back to and tell myself that it's a case of 'there go we...'. Aggressive approaches are not welcome, but I can only think of one in recent months. Many years ago I was assaulted by a homeless person who asked for money. It hasn't changed my view.
I'd argue that the police are being discerning when applying the law since like you I am around the streets of the city centre every day and not all the beggars are being arrested, in fact the vast majority of them are in their favoured spots day in day out for hours on end without so much as a copper even asking them to move along. The fella that was nicked was a persistent beggar and this more than anything would be the reason he was nicked.