What examples of bravery has that fat turd shown in the past?This sounds like a missed opportunity:
"Trump renews attack on Florida deputy: 'I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon' "
What examples of bravery has that fat turd shown in the past?This sounds like a missed opportunity:
"Trump renews attack on Florida deputy: 'I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon' "
What examples of bravery has that fat turd shown in the past?
**** you're wrong a lot
Not wanting to be drafted has zero relevance to bravery or cowardice. If you're going to pretend to be smart you'll have to agree with my statement as you know it's correct.![]()
What examples of bravery has that fat turd shown in the past?
Well his decision to avoid the draft was not based on strong convictions such as those held by Muhammad Ali, so what was it based on other than being too scared to go and serve his country
Surely depends on the real reason why you dodge the draft in the first place. Could be he's a coward and didn't want people shooting at him then it is relevant to his claims he would run in to a building unarmed when someone is in there with an automatic weapon! Of course you may defer draft if you have unusual lumps sticking out the back of your heels but then you could always produce evidence to support that couldn't you?
What examples of bravery has that fat turd shown in the past?
What if he thought the war was a pointless one and not worth wasting his life on? What if he would rather make money than kill people. I reckon that's a pretty valid reason to dodge it.
Saying you don't want to go overseas and shoot people has zero relation to being willing to take someone out to defend your own people.
I'd have no interest in going OS to shoot people, more than willing to shoot someone threatening my families lives though.
Keep defending him
Or he had no interest in being a soldier.
The problem here is I'm not defending Trump. I'm challenging the stupid assertion a draft dodger is a coward because they have zero interest in being a soldier.
It's a moronic point of view.
A Trump apologist at his finest.
"Some of those racists are good people."
It's your view that is moronic. The draft is not about whether you want to be a soldier or not. It's not a career choice.
I think the majority of the US population is saying "Wish you (Mr President) had run into that Florida school without a gun. "
I wouldn't give a **** who it was you plum.
I have family that were draft dodgers because they didn't want to fight in any war for some **** of a King in England.
Smart men, missed that British **** up called Gallipoli because of their decisions.
What has racism got to do with anything?
Come on Ty he could afford to be bought out of the draft just like the children of thousands of other wealthy American families.
I can't hold that against him, with the means to do so, I'm sure most parents would do the same.
'W' spent the Vietnam years defending the airspace of Texas, from attack.
The t'internet seems to suggest Clinton was a little more cunning in his draft dodging.
Please don't Trump's dodge down as some kind of moralistic higher purpose, it's nothing to do with who or where he would have been asked to kill.
As with everything about The Donald it's only about MONEY.
I wouldn't give a **** who it was you plum.
I have family that were draft dodgers because they didn't want to fight in any war for some **** of a King in England.
Smart men, missed that British **** up called Gallipoli because of their decisions.
What has racism got to do with anything?
You raise a point. Conscientious objection is a choice that should be respected. Someone not wishing to fight in a war because they findamentally believe war is wrong is , if genuine, to be respected. What you are overlooking is what we know of Trump. He ****ing loves war, he almost took us to the brink with N.Korea a few months back. He threatens to blow people off the face of the earth. And you try to convince us he dodged the draft because he objects to war? Pull the other one. He dodged the draft because he's a dirty coward and thinks that risking your life is for other, poor people. Not for him.