I bet you cheered and waved when Timothy Mallett went by on the bus
Is he one of the grandchildren?
I bet you cheered and waved when Timothy Mallett went by on the bus
A snub to H &M?
Is this still dragging on?
When does it finish?
Is he one of the grandchildren?
What ARE you talking about?
I'll admit I've been taken in by it as its gone on
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Oh, yes! Seems like he got less screen time than an extra in Corrie.
Oh, yes! Seems like he got less screen time than an extra in Corrie.
Is this still dragging on?
When does it finish?
And your point? This was a royal celebration, not a point scoring political event
Don’t over analyse it. It would appear you were glued.
I think it's rather telling that the current PM was hardly seen. No need for over analysing at all.
Maybe because it’s the QUEENS Jubilee and nothing to do with Prime Minister![]()
God save the Queen
I think it's rather telling that the current PM was hardly seen. No need for over analysing at all.
Admittedly, I do not know much about how these things are organised but I would imagine if we'd have had a PM that was popular, not a lawbreaker and good at his job then they would have been invited to make a public speech at some point in proceedings. Unfortunately we have Boris Johnson, a man who stands up in Parliament time and time again and simply lies, lies, and lies again. And he lied to the Queen herself.
"I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don't trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it".
Charles Dickens.
Of course it is, but you can bet your bottom dollar that our wonderful PM (if, indeed BJ had been one), would be shown far more, waving and cheering proceedings.
Do you not think he was 'avoided' at all?
That's the point I was trying to make earlier, and he was definitely conspicuous by his absence, on-screen.
Exactly. PM is arguably the second most powerful role in public life in the U.K. The office and those who occupy it normally walk hand in hand with the head of state. The PM heads up Her Majesty's Government. It's a sad indictment of the man that currently occupies that office that not only was he not invited to publicly say a few words of thanks to our Liz, but his very presence was ignored as much as possible.
Is that someone anyone wants in that role? A Prime Minister so unpopular he is cropped out of the biggest party in the U.K since the 2012 Olympics.