Eco fascists win again.
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Eco fascists win again.
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I know, but it needed reiterating for those that foolishly assume the Germans are slick.
Airport expansion denied.....wouldn’t happen in Germany!
Our shiny, er, new, airport opens in October!
Very brave of them to actually name a year in this press release
3rd runway at Heathrow & 2nd runway at Gatwick please.
Environmental impact is an irrelevance as in the future planes will be hydrogen powered or other synthetic clean fuel@%1;
Battles not over yet but this was my line of argument years ago. I don’t give a shit about whatever jobs and prosperity it brings. I want to breath clean air instead. The tossers making the decisions scoot off to their country pads leaving us to suck on fumes. Small victory today but we just can’t go on putting climate down the bottom of every priority list. Enough is enough.
Maybe time for a carbon allowance, if you don't use it you can sell it on, ultimately it will limit air travel growth. VAT on internal flights to help fund rail expansion
Problem is bigger airports means, its more cars and more roads, it will never end.
Enough is enough with sanctimonious bores who are part of the climate change cult.
I am flying away this weekend. Deal with it.
I am flying away this weekend. Deal with it.
I certainly will. The second of many weekends away this year.
Battles not over yet but this was my line of argument years ago. I don’t give a shit about whatever jobs and prosperity it brings. I want to breath clean air instead. The tossers making the decisions scoot off to their country pads leaving us to suck on fumes. Small victory today but we just can’t go on putting climate down the bottom of every priority list. Enough is enough.
From what I've read, it should be near the bottom, from both a global economic and humane standpoint.
Best thing we can possibly do with time and money is to lift the world out of desperate poverty.
Carry on buying the social manipulation and hysteria though.
Mr Lomborg is in a very small minority and is not taken seriously by serious people. And hasn't been for quite a while
etc etc etc
His arguments have been examined and critqued at length, over many years, so anyone with google can decide for themselves.
Taken seriously enough to recently be hosted by Bill Gates and other multi-billionaires who have committed to giving half their fortunes away upon death.
I guess that counts as a minority.