Strongbow please.
if it has to be bitter then London Pride. .
Do we want a product from L***s in our sacred halls
Loads of Fosters pumps serving a room-temperature ¾ of a pint and a ¼ of head in flimsy plastic glasses at £5 a pint. There will be the alternative option of a half-pint plastic bottle of ‘I can’t believe it’s not cider’ at £4 a bottle (from the warm shelf).
Mentioned above but just to confirm - Harveys and Dark Star (Best and Hophead respectively) on sale in at least one outlet in all concourses (in addition to the lagers of course) and our supporters' bar. Will continue subject to us proving it is commercially viable (over to you! )Don't know about the lager brands, sorry. As regards pricing, will ask.
boo.. hammerpot brewery beer is better!
There lies the best solution which may induce me to stay and have a couple. If it Lewes's finest mudwater then definitely straight home for me.
Can Falmer get any better[/I]
Daniel Craig serving me at my seat?