I heard that this is in response to cider drinkers complaining about the lack of decent cider.

Yes they would. They might be disgruntled, and people on HERE would be up in arms, but when it came down to it, they would.
Yes they would. They might be disgruntled, and people on HERE would be up in arms, but when it came down to it, they would.
Yes they would. They might be disgruntled, and people on HERE would be up in arms, but when it came down to it, they would.
Is it BHA getting rid of Harveys or Harveys refusing to supply?
I can see Barber trying to buy at such low prices with a take it or leave it offer they told him to f Off.
Some would but i'd say probably only 10-20%. Personally unless it was replaced by a good ale wouldn't drink pre-match anymore and very little after the match
I think NSC would go into meltdown if this happened. Yet another stick to beat Barber with!
I absolutely understand your point, but if Barber was NOT trying to screw down suppliers to improve margins*, he wouldn't be doing his job properly.
*This assumes that the CLUB actually buys the product at all - that deal is more probably between the caterer and the supplier?
Can we have Hofmeister instead?
But then wouldn't the caterers have their own contracts with a brewery of their own choice?
Yes they would. They might be disgruntled, and people on HERE would be up in arms, but when it came down to it, they would.
Yes they would. They might be disgruntled, and people on HERE would be up in arms, but when it came down to it, they would.
I can fully understand the moans if true.
But this smacks to me of people complaining about price rises last season.
Rightly P-eed off that something is changing, but after all the moaning people will continue to buy something as its maybe two or three pints every two weeks.
I wouldn't. In fact I'd never buy anything at the stadium again.