Apparently UBER have said Harvey Weinstein need to up his game if he wants to sign on as a driver for them.
1.) I haven’t got a daughterA surprising comment from someone who has a daughter.
If you're going to make jokes about rapists you need to make damned sure they are funnier than that.
I would be surprised if most women don't have a story of sexual assault of some degree involving flattery and/or abuse of power. I know I have. I've never told a soul out of embarrassment that I was that naive and stupid.
It's a small minority of men who behave in this way, but I imagine it's happened to a lot of women. They've just never told anyone, because at best you feel like an idiot. At worst people will think that you're trying to get some kind of advantage.
Weinstein is reprehensible but makes you wonder why some women kept quiet after their ordeal Maybe they were more afraid of losing 'parts' and 'potential' well paid careers. Why didn't any of them say anything earlier to protect other women from a predator?
We all live in a conspiracy of slience, turning blind eyes to things, keeping schtum, even blaming outselves, so we can fit in and survive. That's why we have rules and laws - to protect people from predation.
Weinstein is reprehensible but makes you wonder why some women kept quiet after their ordeal Maybe they were more afraid of losing 'parts' and 'potential' well paid careers. Why didn't any of them say anything earlier to protect other women from a predator?
Probably for the same reason that young footballers didn't tell anyone about their sexual abuse by coaches after their ordeal.
Maybe they were more afraid of losing their 'place on the team' and potential well-paid careers. Combined with a deep sense of shame and not having the confidence to rock what seems like a very sturdy boat.
Weinstein is reprehensible but makes you wonder why some women kept quiet after their ordeal Maybe they were more afraid of losing 'parts' and 'potential' well paid careers. Why didn't any of them say anything earlier to protect other women from a predator?
Another one pops up
So you've worked hard for however long to try and make your way in your chosen career. You come up against somebody who could potentially give you your big break, or ruin you (it seems highly probable that he threatened to damage their careers if they didn't give him what he wants: abusers frequently use threats to achieve their aims). Maybe there's a split second where you think you can bury it at the back of your mind for the sake of one man destroying your chances.
It's incredibly common for those on the receiving end of sexual harassment or abuse to minimise it in their minds. We see things happen to other people and we think "how horrendous", but when it happens to us, we don't see it in the same light. Cards on the table: years ago I'd been on a night out with colleagues (not in my current job). As we walked back home, the numbers dwindled as people gradually reached their homes. In the end, it was just me and one guy left walking. As we passed a park, he grabbed hold of me forcefully, shoved his tongue down my throat and dragged me towards some nearby bushes, saying more than once (I've never forgotten his words) "Come on: you and I both know it's going to happen".
After a bit of pushing and shoving, I eventually managed to fend him off before he got what he- evidently- wanted, told him to leave me alone, and walked off, looking back over my shoulder as I went. I didn't even want to run or to make a scene, which makes absolutely no sense to me now. At the time, whilst it wasn't nice, I didn't know what to think. I trivialised what had happened in my mind, and tried to forget about the whole unpleasant experience. I don't consider myself the wallflower type, nor somebody who would ignore wrongdoing. Yet I look back at that now, and I ask myself why I never reported him to anyone. Why I didn't ever say anything to him when we were back at work subsequently. If I'd seen that happening to anyone else, I'd have told them unequivocally to do something about it, whether that be criminally, or on an internal work basis. I don't remember thinking I needed to keep quiet for the sake of my career. I suppose I figured it was just One Of Those Things that happens in life if you're female, and that perhaps it wasn't worth making a fuss about. Because it was "only" me.
If I'm honest with myself now, I probably thought (1) it's my word against his; (2) nobody will believe me on that basis; (3) some people will choose to believe that perhaps I'd somehow led him on (I hadn't: he was one of the bigger tossers in the office), and thus I was fair game(4) it can't be sexual assault or harassment because that happens to other people, not me.
If you've never been on the receiving end of anything of this nature- and hopefully that's most of you- then I get why you think that victims should "do more". But the human mind works in funny ways in traumatic, frightening or uncomfortable situations, especially where sex is concerned. It's still a taboo subject, and you only have to look at the rape conviction rate in this country to know that victims are all too frequently the subject of vile unwarranted conjecture.
I can totally grasp why most of the women on the receiving end of Weinstein's alleged behaviour didn't speak out at the time. It can be a very lonely world when you've been convinced by the perpetrator that you're the only person something like that has ever happened to.
Another one pops up
So you've worked hard for however long to try and make your way in your chosen career. You come up against somebody who could potentially give you your big break, or ruin you (it seems highly probable that he threatened to damage their careers if they didn't give him what he wants: abusers frequently use threats to achieve their aims). Maybe there's a split second where you think you can bury it at the back of your mind for the sake of one man destroying your chances.
It's incredibly common for those on the receiving end of sexual harassment or abuse to minimise it in their minds. We see things happen to other people and we think "how horrendous", but when it happens to us, we don't see it in the same light. Cards on the table: years ago I'd been on a night out with colleagues (not in my current job). As we walked back home, the numbers dwindled as people gradually reached their homes. In the end, it was just me and one guy left walking. As we passed a park, he grabbed hold of me forcefully, shoved his tongue down my throat and dragged me towards some nearby bushes, saying more than once (I've never forgotten his words) "Come on: you and I both know it's going to happen".
After a bit of pushing and shoving, I eventually managed to fend him off before he got what he- evidently- wanted, told him to leave me alone, and walked off, looking back over my shoulder as I went. I didn't even want to run or to make a scene, which makes absolutely no sense to me now. At the time, whilst it wasn't nice, I didn't know what to think. I trivialised what had happened in my mind, and tried to forget about the whole unpleasant experience. I don't consider myself the wallflower type, nor somebody who would ignore wrongdoing. Yet I look back at that now, and I ask myself why I never reported him to anyone. Why I didn't ever say anything to him when we were back at work subsequently. If I'd seen that happening to anyone else, I'd have told them unequivocally to do something about it, whether that be criminally, or on an internal work basis. I don't remember thinking I needed to keep quiet for the sake of my career. I suppose I figured it was just One Of Those Things that happens in life if you're female, and that perhaps it wasn't worth making a fuss about. Because it was "only" me.
If I'm honest with myself now, I probably thought (1) it's my word against his; (2) nobody will believe me on that basis; (3) some people will choose to believe that perhaps I'd somehow led him on (I hadn't: he was one of the bigger tossers in the office), and thus I was fair game(4) it can't be sexual assault or harassment because that happens to other people, not me.
If you've never been on the receiving end of anything of this nature- and hopefully that's most of you- then I get why you think that victims should "do more". But the human mind works in funny ways in traumatic, frightening or uncomfortable situations, especially where sex is concerned. It's still a taboo subject, and you only have to look at the rape conviction rate in this country to know that victims are all too frequently the subject of vile unwarranted conjecture.
I can totally grasp why most of the women on the receiving end of Weinstein's alleged behaviour didn't speak out at the time. It can be a very lonely world when you've been convinced by the perpetrator that you're the only person something like that has ever happened to.
Weinstein is reprehensible but makes you wonder why some women kept quiet after their ordeal. Maybe they were more afraid of losing 'parts' and 'potential' well paid careers. Why didn't any of them say anything earlier to protect other women from a predator?
Then tank heavens that at least one victim kicked up a fuss. I also admire your fortitude to prosper and not flounder. May I ask do you think your 'attacker' continued to persecute others?
Harvey said if you suck my dick I will make you famous...
...said a lot of famous women.
Well I think he kept his end of the bargain.
Harvey said if you suck my dick I will make you famous...
...said a lot of famous women.
Well I think he kept his end of the bargain.
Harvey said if you suck my dick I will make you famous...
...said a lot of famous women.
Well I think he kept his end of the bargain.