Seaweed! Seaweed!
Still voting Blue....Start & End of disscussion & for that matter thread....(for me anyway).
Thanks for your reply. Yes, you are right, in that I did not back it up -just that I recall accounts of spending beyond their means. Of course, it "helps" if you can back it up with something, or perhaps just that it makes the post more pleased with him/herself. But your post was such that the attachment was presented as proof, and this is what I took issue with. I don't know if the issue is really what the tories would have done -is it worth debating something that did not happen?
Is there a shitest thread of the year award?
This one is a real front runner
as far as genuine "Happy New Year" greetings on NSC go, I'm struggling to think of a worse one over the years.
Was it on this thread the lack of trained people in the NHS was mentioned, and recruiting from Oz.
Well perhaps if the NHS was not dealing with loads more people, due to the mass of immigration under Labour, then the money that is now being spent on the infrastructure, overcrowded roads, housing, schooling etc etc, to accommodate for this influx........could have been used to fund the smaller NHS, and the training that would be needed (or not if there were less population) for these people that have have been brought in from OZ, and who will actually add to the population which is helping the problem of the shortage in the aforementioned.
And how does that argument measure up to the massive increase in overseas recruitment from the start of Labour's term in office in 1997?
Furthermore, with a squeeze on the NHS budgets, it is cheaper for a trust to employ an overseas trained nurse than pay £70k to train UK applicants. When monies tight you go for the cost effective measures! Also, your post implies that there are thousands more nurses in the NHS to cope with the larger numbers of immigrants receiving treatment yet, as of Nov 13, there were 6k less nurses working in hospitals than when (according to a bbc report ). There may well be an increase in workload due to immigrants but some reports suggest the additional cost to the NHS is as little as a net £12m in 2011/12! Hunt has suggessted it is as high as £200m but has not provided any evidence to support that.
Fact is the NHS has always employed overseas trained nurses it's just that now it's used as an argument to support to support UKIP's attacks on immigration.
Again, as HG stated, just your opinion....and i have mine. Also why bring UKIP into the debate now, the debate has been about the way Labour and the Tories have run the economy, in case you have not noticed UKIP have had no say as to the way the country has been run the last few decades.....why, because they have NEVER been in power, a FACT that is true and not just your or my opinion.
I accept it is your opinion, that's fair enough. UKIP came into it as that is the direction you sent it on with your comments about migrants and I think you know that. Your affinity to that party seems quite clear from your comments on other threads! Apologies if I'm wrong.
I stand by my opinion as to why i feel the NHS has taken in staff from Oz in THIS instant..
So where is the evidence to support that view?
Also, didn't the debate swing to the NHS and immigration because you sent it in that direction!
My opinion on what i have seen happen. Evidence?? this board is not a court of law, your opinions are not fact, just based on what you think and what you read.
The debate did "swing to the NHS and immigration"... because as i have stated TWICE now, i believe that the NHS subject, that was NOT brought into the debate by me, has been greatly attributed to by Labours policy (which they have since admitted was wrong) on mass immigration. Again, i did not mention UKIP, but in your own post happen to shoehorn them in, and then assume and insinuate. Perhaps go back a few posts eh.
Nobody said it was a court of law but if you offer an opinion then it is quite normal to back it up with some evidence. For example, do you know how many nurses have been recruited from Oz? That is of course one side of your argument, the other being the suggestion that immigrants are the ones putting a strain on the economy. Have you anything to support that? It is of course up to you if you want to back up your opinion but if not, then some people might just perceive that you don't like immigrants and look to blame all our economic ills on them!
The NHS was mentioned but only in respect of the training of staff and the requirement for nurses to take a degree course. You decided to introduce immigration to the debate, which you are entitled to do as it is your opinion, and with that comes the inevitable link to UKIP.
so you're saying they didnt cut enough, right? because the debt will continue to increase while we have such a budget spending deficit by the state. when reciting the poor performance under Osborne, remember that the Balls policy was to cut less... so the deficit would have been larger and the debt grown further. neither party has offered policies to encourage and support growth, they both hope the problem will disappear through the economic cycle, which isnt happening.
Still voting Blue....Start & End of disscussion & for that matter thread....(for me anyway).
I am not necessarily pro labour but if like me you had friends and a sister who work for the NHS and you hear about what is actually happening and not what the government want you to hear, then I cannot vote Tory this time.
Plus the fact that Cameron not once but twice used his dead son as a reason to try and convince us that there would be no top down changes to the NHS and then did the opposite.
Some of the most vile policies carried out in the name of austerity against the most vunerable in society and then failed to get anywhere near clearing the debt in 5 years as they said they would do.
Also failed on nearly every other target and still blaming labour for the mess after the global recession.
Labour made some huge mistakes but another 5 years of Cameron and Osborne, god help us, no thanks.
A prime opportunity for a decent party to emerge and we get UKIP.
What a mess.