"..... but I like to think at last he may have found a small measure of peace..."
"..... but I like to think at last he may have found a small measure of peace..."
"Me, Your Highness? Well, on the whole, I wish I'd stayed in Tunbridge Wells."
"You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. "
Clint Eastwood - Good bad ugly ?
Any takers for the above? It's the penultimate line in one of the greatest films ever.
Lawrence of Arabia?
Lawrence of Arabia?
Apocalypse Now
Clue 1: set in Nottingham
Robin Hood - Russell Crowe??
''All I'm out for is a good time - all the rest is propaganda''
"......and Up Yours"
One for the MASSIVE fans.
"Not from where I'm standing"
Saturday Night, Sunday Mornin' - Albert Finney
"Do not speak to me of rules. This is war! This is not a game of cricket!"