I need help boosting one of the trophies, if I may have a glamorous assistant? I need someone to send a mugger after me so that I may let them rob me and murder them. Will repay the favour!
Ah no, this is what confused me...you actually have to call Lamar to arrange for a computer controlled mugger to take your money. You actually drop very little when you die. I think you have to be level 50 to request it.
Anyone else playing online today notice things have been a very "festive" to say the least?
First of all there's the xmas themed clothing available for your character, but more importantly the amount of money around today!
Started my session today and found bounties being set in the millions/billions! I then found myself being given overall about $2.5bn randomly by a couple of players.
Definitely wasnt only one this was happening to as found number of us going back and forth from garages to mod shop with out new high end cars. Changed session to see if it was just a one off but it wasn't!
Was more than happy to build up the cash myself for supercars, attack choppers etc, but I'm certainly not complainging about this! Good will to all men indeed!!
Some bloke just gave me £400,000,000 for helping him stick up a shop. I'm happy with it and all, but the whole money/reward dynamic is now broken forever.