How do you work that out , there is never a need to debunk something that does not exist , only something that does and is a threat !
Agreed ..... there was never a need to debunk that the world was flat or indeed that MMR jabs were dangerous

How do you work that out , there is never a need to debunk something that does not exist , only something that does and is a threat !
Agreed ..... there was never a need to debunk that the world was flat or indeed that MMR jabs were dangerous![]()
I should imagine that most people are like me. I really admire Greta Thunberg and would like to help with putting the planet straight.
However, the problem comes when you try to actually do something about it. If you want to buy an electric car they are massively expensive, supermarkets and others continue to wrap most stuff in plastic , cut down air travel and try to look for alternatives and they are much more expensive or timely. Recycling looks and feels good until you see China & America etc massively polluting and in the end you think "am I really making a difference here ?" .People cannot even be bothered to put their litter in a bin on Brighton beach or the local streets.
All this kinda gets you down and you think I hope the younger generation sort it out because I'm fighting a losing battle here.
Still good on you Greta for giving it a go.
This 100%. You see brilliant local farm shops etc selling lovely looking food and goods with no plastic in sight... At 3x the cost of the supermarkets. The big supermarkets have such a hold on the food market, and it really pisses me off that they appear to be doing so little in terms of reducing packaging etc.
I agree with you - I feel that I 'do my bit', but then so often the world around me or what I see on tv makes me think what's the bloody point?
I know it's far from the only issue, but it's depressing that the UK (along with the US, not surprisingly) uses far more single use plastic than any other country. Not surprising though when you see the supermarkets here and the amount of confectionary/groceries/meal deals etc all in plastic.
Remember who you`re dealing with here , i have several PDHs in " make it simple " . I had a quick look at FDT and am none the wiser , in fact i try and steer clear of scientists ( apologies [MENTION=33848]The Clamp[/MENTION] ) because i rightly or wrongly find that if they can`t quantify a theorem that fits into what knowledge we have , then it can`t exist - work - and worst of all can`t be done by anyone else ( an extraterrestrial race/s ) . I believe in UFOs and crash retrievals , i also believe we have learned a hell of a lot from them and that most of our recent progress has been in no small way down to them . There have been so many people from the American Government Armed Forces and Intelligence agencies come forward to tell of these things , it can no longer be pushed aside because joe bloggs doesn`t get it . As a wise man once said , 1500 years ago everyone knew the world was the centre of the Universe , 500 years ago everyone knew the world was flat , and 15 minutes ago you knew we were not alone !
In short we don`t got all the answers !
500 years ago, only the Vatican, who had a grip on many countries, denied Copernicus, whereas Vasco de Gama, Columbus, Drake and others set out to prove them wrong.
It was political and about power, not religious or geographical.
I go to my local health food shop and fill up 2 glass bottles with oak milk every few days. One of many things I try to do "my bit"I get these arguments absolutely. It does seem pointless sometimes to do our bit when you see others not doing theirs, rampant plastic use and countries the world over just shitting into the atmosphere.
But if I do continue doing my bit then I can be proud of that and I can sleep at night knowing I've tried what I can.
It isn't much but it's enough.
How do you work that out , there is never a need to debunk something that does not exist , only something that does and is a threat !
Exist or threat is not what you said
"did it occur to you that only something real needs to be debunked ?"
Fake news for example is "real" and regularly needs to be debunked and regularly is.
Fake news also does exist and is also a threat (see fake news on covid claims)........ guess what there is a need to debunk fake news when it exists and is a threat also
I go to my local health food shop and fill up 2 glass bottles with "oak milk" every few days.
Could you make that more obscure , what`s your point ?
You said there is never any need to debunk something that does not exist. I've given you too examples, albeit sarcastically, of things that don't exist but definitely need to debunked. I'll throw in another - God. Though that may be a discussion for another thread.
So you knew what i was talking about all along but chose to be argumentative just for the pure hell of it ? . Enjoy your day !
Where have I indicated in my previous posts I didn't understand what you were talking about ? I'll simplify it for you - you're wrong.
This place gets more like mumsnet every day
How can you not know what i was talking about ? . I never mentioned Fake news or anything that could be even badly construed as fake news , i made it clear and said it in plain English - ZPE and the possibility of alien technologies ffs .
When you follow up with
"did it occur to you that only something real needs to be debunked ?"
it doesnt matter what you were talking about.
No i`m not , you simply don`t get what i`m saying . If you disagree fine , but because you disagree does not make the other person wrong or you right , it`s called an opinion and apparently were all entitled to one .
Then you would love my opinion on Brain Surgery. Of course, I know f*** all about it, but apparently I'm entitled to my opinion and if a Brain Surgeon with years of training and practice disagrees, it doesn't make me wrong, as apparently my opinion is as valid as theirs.
No wonder this country is going down the pan. This is where a few years of entitlement of opinion with no responsibility for the outcome gets you
And I'm really not particularly having a pop at just you, it's the straw and camel thing,
Nothing she is telling us is her own opinion, she just repeats what climate scientists have been saying for years but haven't been listened to. So yes, you can disagree with what the scientists are saying, but unfortunately an "open and enquiring mind" doesn't really stand up against a PhD, many years of research and countless peer reviewed publications.
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